Thursday, August 21, 2008

Looking the Catechism of St Pius the X on his Feast Day

Today is the Feast Day of At of St Pius the X. Hallowed Ground has some gret pictures of the Pius X Canonization that was perfromed by Pope Pius XII.

His blog is pretty awesome and he has pictures and other stuff dealing with At Pius X elsewhere on it You you start have to go hunting through his pages.

Anyway Ten Reasons talks about the wonder St Pius the X Catechism at "St. Pius X's catechism always retains its value" He has a link to the online copy.

Here is picture ( I have seen a better one elsewhere) of the passing of Pope Piux the X. It is kind of amazing that back then photos like this were taken . I guess back then even photos were deemed so cool stuff like this was done even when the Pope was dying.

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