Friday, September 14, 2007

Why Do Some Monastics Still Chant the Hours in Latin and Wonderful Gifts You Can Buy from Abbeys and Monasteries

The Anchoress has some great posts on the Monastic theme today.

First is a post about a wonderful Abbey in the UK on the Isle of Wright. They even have a great website!!!! There is a wonderful explanation by the Benedictines who are there why they still chant the Liturgy of the Hours in Latin. Go to her post Isle of Wight, for Male & Female Monastics.

Also as we know Christmas time is coming up. Why not support these wonderful communities by buying there goods. The Anchoress has a whole list of these communities and what they offer. Go to her post That candy you were asking me about.

Let me give a plug at this point for the Louisiana blogger A Number of Things. She makes some very one of a kind religious items that are wonderful. She notes here that her fall selection should be up soon. They go fast. Go to her other site Gardens of Grace to see some of her work.

Also why do Nuns and Monks live so long? Go to her post What brings longevity? - UPDATED where she talks about her encounter recently with a nun that is nearing 100.

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