Sunday, September 30, 2007

It is Sunday So it's Pope's Angelus Time- Full Translation of The Pope's Angelus From Today

Thanks to the Ratzinger Forum that got this translated pretty quick.

Here is a translation of the Holy Father's words at the noonday Angelus today in Castel Gandolfo:

Dear brothers and sisters! Today the Gospel of Luke presents the parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus (Lk 16,19-31). The rich man impersonates the iniquitous use of wealth by those who use it for unrestrained and selfish luxury, thinking only of self-satisfaction, without a thought for the beggar who is at their door.

The poor man, on the other hand, represents those whom only God thinks about. Unlike the rich man, he has a name, Lazarus, short for Eleazar, which means 'God helps him'. God does not forget those who are forgotten by everyone else. Those who do not count for anything in the eyes of man are precious in the eyes of the Lord.

The parable shows how earthly iniquity is overturned by divine justice. After he dies, Lazarus is welcomed 'in the bosom of Abraham', that is, into eternal beatitude, whereas the rich man ends up "in the torments of hell'. They have both gone on to a new state which is definitive and unappealable, about which one must provide for in life, because nothing can be done about it it afterwards.

This parable also lends itself to a social reading, about which Pope Paul VI's teaching 40 years ago in the encyclical Popolorum progressio is memorable. Speaking of the battle against world hunger, he wrote: "It is a question of building a world in which every man...can live a life that is fully human...where the poor Lazarus can sit at the same table as the rich man" (n. 47). The Encyclical reminds us that the numerous situations of poverty are caused, on the one hand, by "the servitude which comes from other men" and on the other, from "nature that has not been sufficiently mastered' (ibid).

Unfortunately, some peoples suffer from both these causes. How can we not think, especially at this moment, of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, recently hit by grave flooding? Nor can we forget so many other situations of human emergency in different regions of the planet, in which fighting for political and economic power further aggravates human misery as well as the already significant environmental problems.

Pope Paul VI's appeal, "The hungry peoples dramatically confront the peoples of opulence" (Popolorum progressio, 3), keeps all its urgency today. We cannot say we do not know the course to take: we have the Laws and the Prophets, and Jesus tells us in the Gospel. Whoever does not wish to hear will not change even if someone comes back from the dead to remind them.

May the Virgin Mary help us to avail of the present time to listen and put into practice the Word of God. May she obtain for us that we become more attentive to our brothers in need, to share with them whatever we have and to contribute, starting with ourselves, to spread the logic and the practice of authentic solidarity.

After the Angelus, he said:

I follow with great trepidation the very serious events these days in Myanmar and wish to express my spiritual nearness to the beloved Burmese people during the sorrowful trials they are undergoing. As I assure them of my supportive and intense prayers and invite the entire Church to do the same thing, I sincerely hope that a peaceful solution may be found for the good of the nation.

I also call on your prayers for the situation in the Korean peninsula, where some important developments in the dialog between the two Koreas give us hope that current reconciliation efforts could consolidate themselves for the good of the Korean people, and the stability and peace of the entire region.

In English, he said:

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Angelus, including members of the Acton Institute, and administrators and benefactors of Seton Hall University. Today’s Gospel reading reminds us to be generous with the good things we receive in life. In this spirit, may your visit to Castel Gandolfo and Rome be a time filled with thanksgiving and renewed love of the universal Church. Upon you and your families, I invoke the joy and peace of Christ the Lord!

To the Polish pilgrims, he said:
The beatification took place today in Nysa, diocese of Opole, of the Servant of God Mary Louise Merkert of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth. She distinguished herself for her concern towards the sick, the poor, and the abandoned. May the life of Mary Louise be an encouragement for us to see in the needy the face of Christ. Finally: I address a warm Arrivederci to the community of Castel Gandolfo. In the next few days, I will be returning to the Vatican. Let us stay together in prayer.

I wish everyone a good Sunday.

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