Thursday, September 13, 2007

An Archbishop To Watch In Canada and the Lectio Divina

I hate to say this. I am probably the type of American that Canadians love to hate. Despite them bring on our border, 90 percent of their population being within 70 miles of that border, and being our largest trading partner I am pretty clueless what is happening there. Of course I don't know what is happening in Missouri either so there. When are you a big country these things happen.

However I am taking note of this incredible Archbishop that Whispers in the Loggia highlights today. Here is a part of his post:
Already, Torontonians have learned of Collins' love for chili and heard a drive-time radio host dub him the "Wayne Gretzky of the Catholic church," they've gotten used to seeing him riding the subways and streetcars or passed around the phone number the onetime seminary rector gives out at the close of every liturgy with an invitation for young people considering a vocation to call him directly. But even for all that, only earlier this week did TC roll out the element of ministry that's become his public hallmark......well, aside from the coffee-and-donut-fueled chats over a table at Tim Horton's.As archbishop of Edmonton, Collins -- at the prompting of some of his Alberta flock -- began a monthly series of Lectio Divina services in St Joseph's Cathedral there. In a short amount of time, the Sunday night gatherings for formal Vespers, followed by meditation and reflection on a short Scripture passage, became a hit. And, it could be said, the return of the ancient practice in the Canadian West was ahead of the curve; in 2005, the Pope himself said that "if it is effectively promoted," Lectio Divina "will bring to the church – I am convinced of it – a new spiritual springtime."

Pretty interesting. By the way the post has links to his audio presentation on the Lectio Divina. What is that you might ask? Go here for a small intorduction and some links.

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