Wednesday, August 29, 2007

UK Catholic Blogger "Mad As Hell" at American Priest over his Comments over Guns

Saint Gabriel Possenti protecting the good people of his Italian village with (GASP) a firearm.

I so enjoy On The Side of the Angels . As I mention before we differ on politics but his postings are usually very good. I do recommend his posts because he really brings out great points of view and I get a lot out of his blog

Well he is a tad upset over what was a very short post by an American blogger priest over the gun issue. Go see it here at In All Charity...get thee to a confessional father ! . There is another Catholic blogger from the UK who is a priest by the way , that is also in the Amen corner, on this. See his post here. There is quite a fun row over in that last links comment section. The Americans have come in and having their two cents. By favorite comment was :
I'd like to see some Nazis or Communists types, or fanatical Muslims try and kick our doors in and haul us off to whatever hell-holes they can concoct. Ain't gonna happen here.All I need to know about eurrup was that the first thing fanatics try and do is grab guns. Wouldn't be so easy to march Jews and other "undesireables" off to the gas chambers. A government which doesn't honor the right of the people to protect themselves is not to be trusted.If the British hadn't have tried to seize the arms caches at Lexington and Concord, you folks could vacation in Hawaii or Florida or wherever without a passport.


I think that is correct. During the immigration debate I got into an argument with lets say an extremist on the issue. He wanted to eliminated American birthright citizenship(from our English Common law tradition) and make it RETROACTIVE. Let me say that people that feel strongly about this issue do not support that. My response was if I ever see that happening and millions of Americans were having their citizenship taken away by fiat that I was off to the hills with my firearms. Via Revolution baby.

I have gotten into this argument before. At this time I would like to pimp the St. Gabriel Possenti Society. Yes we have a movement to make St. Gabriel Possenti the Patron Saint of Gunowners. GO read more about the Saint that saved Isola, Italy here.

As I always try to explain the Right to Bear arms is in our US Constitution. Therefore many of us get nervous when a city, a court , or whoever trys to go around that and make it null and void. If people don't like it they should amend it. That means my gosh going to the states and making a argument.

I see no contradiction between supporting the right of gun ownership and my Catholic faith. If people think we should be going to a "confessional" over that stance then they did to take a big breath. I mean why don't we make bars illegals. Then we would not have DWI's and deaths on the highway. It really is the same logic.

There is a difference in endorsing the Nanny State that this UK blogger points out all the time at the hilarious and informative Nanny Knows Best and the Right to Bear Arms here in the USA.
It seems the argument is that people get killed with guns therefore lets ban them. Again why not ban booze. Am I not being Pro- Life because I am for the right for lawful citizens to have a firearm?

Are people in the UK being Pro life when the Lancashire County Council demands ladder training for those who use ladders over three feet tall, the banning of ballons, banning milk formula adverts , the banning of a 39 year old tradition involving riding a donkeys on the beach because it is DANGEROUS, making sure people don't plant flowers because of insurance, the banning of yet another English Festival because LARGE CROWD OF PEOPLE ARE GETTING TOGETHER AND SOMEONE might get hurt , the banning of Glasses in Pubs, the banning of pirate flags , the banning of Barometers etc etc.

Well I guess I am must be a trueful anti Life bad Catholic because I think this is all rubbish. Same with gun banning. The problem is not gun ownership. People who would ban guns are trying to treat a brain tumor with asprin. That is not the problem.


Fr Ray Blake said...

Thank you for the link to my blog. I do really find this issue fascinating; priests and laity from the States who I agree with on so many issues, on this, we part company, and find ourselves unable to understand one another's positions.
It really does point to a deep cultural divide.

James H said...

Oh dont worry. I do enjoy your blog and I found your post today the best of the Catholic blogs I have seen today.

By the way you would be glad to know that I am sure that Priest is in the minority. I am really to bet most US proest are all gun ho over gun control. However I suspect that Priest came from a household where firearms are around a good bit.

It rally is a cultural thing here in the USA. Being that attitudes differ from region to region. For instance I suspect in some areas up North your viewpoint would be the majority