Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Do Catholics Believe That Muslims Worship the True God?

One Final Islam themed post for the day. There seems to be a lot of confusion at what the Catechism teaches on this subject. I see anti -Catholics and just honestly confused people get this messed up.

I think Canterbury Tales has a nice clear explaination on this here at his post Do Catholics Believe That Muslims Worship the True God?

As a Catholic I think we need to start seeing what Islam is. It is a very much a Christian Heresy and not so much a different religion. It is pretty much Arianism and Calvinism on steroids in my book.


Anonymous said...

How would you liken Islam to Calvinism? I've done quite a bit of reading up on both, and I don't see much resemblance at all. So, I'm curious what you mean here. Maybe you can blog about this further, if you'd like of course.


Anonymous said...

"I find the whole discussion on Conversions and why Catholics can't be in Orthodox lands kinda of dishonest."

I couldn't agree with you more about this. The few Roman Catholics and Byzantine Rite Catholics in Russia and Eastern Europe have not been treated well by the Orthodox over the years, but somehow the Orthodox seem to get preferential treatment in the building of seminaries, etc.

James H said...

Hey Thinkaware.

First as to Arianism I think we can see the possible evidence for contact with some Arain thought. I think it is evident that he cam in Contact with some "catholic " priest of folks.

As to Calvinism. Hilaire Belloc made the same observation in his piece on Islam

HE said:
"It insisted
upon the equality of men, and it necessarily had that further factor in
which it resembled Calvinism_the sense of predestination, the sense of
fate; of what the followers of John Knox were always calling "the
immutable decrees of God."

One of my best friends is over in Iraq. He is a Catholic convert. He made this observation to me also. He said the extent of Divine devress and the saying if "Allah wi;;s it" get absurd in pratical life. He said his beiggest frustraion seemed to be the like of staying on a time schedule with the Iraqis. Everyone shows up late. It is not that they are lazy. They just have a view if Allah wills it then it will hapspen so whats the point in being in a rush.