Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This Political Ad is A New Low In Louisiana Politics

I realized I have done Four posts on how upsetting this TV Ad was and had not posted it. Of course not only is that Ad improper for all the reasons I give below but it is also false. Bobby Jindal never said those things.

Like I said I am shocked. In Louisiana the Democrat party has maintained some sanity. TV Ads like this that might be commonplace elsewhere but have been anathema here in Louisiana. This is why Louisiana citizens must speak out against it. If this is allowed then it will become common place in both parties.

We do not have this tradition in Louisiana. People need to speak out. See the posst I made below for details

By the way Astonished yet at Home has the Jindal response and here is the Baton Rouge Advocate Story that tell how this is all lies in the first place.

Has the State Democrat Party forgot what we are remembering this week in Louisiana? That is the horrors, the deaths, the victims, and the YES the heroes of Hurricane Katrina. Many people came together and helped their brother out regardless of creed , race, or political belief.


I suppose as a convert to Catholicism I have just a different viewpoint. I don't like the anti Catholic implications. I don't like the fact that Evangelicals and Protestants are viewed as being idiots and people think they will fall for this stuff either.

I really love Louisiana. I love our Diversity. The people of this state from Oil City to Lake Providence to Abita Springs to Holly Beach are a strength and a great people. We are diverse and that is an asset.. In all the time I was active in politcs this trash never came up.

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