Friday, July 27, 2007


Good Grief. Please go to Maritime Sentry where all the details are at. I encourage all people to write and call. I intend to that later today.

I think the "arts" are so in the dark about their audience. This anti Catholicism and slamming the Church is so tired and worn out. It is not original any more. It nevers occurs to these folks to see how widely successful movies and dramas are that treat religion and faith in a serious way when they are tried and done with talent. . Look at the Movie The Apostle that starred and was directed by Robert Duval. It treated people of faith in a serious way and was a hit. Yet he had to beg money to get it produced. Still Hollywood has not learn their lesson.

As the post points out there is a reason why Catholcism is attacked with such zeal still. I agree with what is proposed as the reason.

By the way keep checking out this particular blog for updates on the Huckabee for President campaign as well as the other links I have under that topic.

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