Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What a GOP Brokered Convention Would Look Like?-Not Good

I thought Jay Cost had a very well done piece on what a brokered GOP convention would look like here at Looking ahead to the Republican Convention. He goes into details of what we could expect.

I have a theory that Republican Primary voters would not allow this to happen. This is not the 60's or the 50's. I need to go back and review the 76 GOP convention to see what happened there. I am not sure that was even a truly brokered convention. I have read that the Mississippi Delegation did have to switch though so as to give it to Ford.

Still it is even not 76. In the era of 4 cable News Channels, a 1000 percent increase in political advertising, political Spam email, talk radio, etc politics is way way way much more in a voters face. The average Republican(and democrat) primary voter is like the average voter pretty much. I sense more and more that Americans for good or bad sense all this political stuff as noise. Often unwelcome noise and often tune in when it just gets annoying to slap it down.

Therefore I think at some point ,sooner rather than later, the American people would tune in see who is currently ahead(even it is slight) and vote for them. Then proceed to happily not tune in again till a month or so before the general.

That is my feel of what will happen but again I could be very wrong.

Anyway good piece

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