Saturday, January 12, 2008

UK Folks More Influential in United States and In Politics than You Think

I have a whole list of people and blogs I have been meaning to add to my links. Perhaps I will force myself to do it today. One of the most interesting is Britian and America.

It is rare that they don't have something interesting up. It is pretty amazing how much influence many UK'ers have here in the US. For instance check out this link The most influential Britons in America. What I find fascinating in the link the have at the bottom at a post I was tempted to write a entry on earlier in the week. That is The winning Iowa campaigns embraced the UK media (Hillary Clinton didn't). Great stuff and shows why in Politics people running need to embrace the UK press. It is having a bigger influence on the US and United State politics each passing year.

I might start linking their stories more. I usually find their stories and especially their blog entries on the road with the people running for President the most insightful stuff on the web

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