Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee Wins Iowa and Kathryn Jean Lopez Spins As Usual

CNN projected real early That Huckabee wins Iowa. Mrs Kathryn "attack dog" Lopez of the National Review reaction:
Bill Schneider and Others [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
are pointing out the high percentage of evangelical voters who have reportedly turned out. Anti-Huck people are freaking. Deep breaths. As Bill Bennett just pointed out on CNN, evangelicals aren't necessarily a voting block, as much as Pastor Huckabee has tried to suggest (and prays?) they are in his identity-politicking. Just ask
Mark DeMoss.
01/03 08:41 PM

Classic. Oh and sorry Rush too bad. I hate to gloat but the National Review(with the exception of Bryon York) has it a tad coming.

Ohh so sorry. Again Mrs Lopez is still trying to spread the myth. As I posted earlier this Catholic Deacon might have a few things to counter this Manhatten Conservative.

I will post later when fuller numbers come in.


SJ Reidhead said...

I'm writing a snarky posting right now. Rush Limbaugh is THE BIGGEST LOSER!

Sorry, I should be upset, but I'm not!

The Pink Flamingo

Oh, congrats on your win!

James H said...

Thanks and COngrats too. THis was great for McCain too