Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Would Judas Even DO This?- Did Archbishop Give TO Communion TO Drag Queens(Dressed as Nuns!!!!)

Updated at this Post-

Tip of the hat to Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan from Louisiana for this story of SCANDAL. Go here for more details.

Now I will be fair here. I will note the pictures don't show the Archbishop actually giving communion to the drag queens. I suppose the Archbishop could have looked up and went "THIS IS A SACRILEGE GET BEHIND ME SATAN" Perhaps the next photo would show that. However sadly I have my doubts that is what happen. People need to spread this around and get some answers now. It sounds like to me that HIGHER Authorties need to step in now. I would suggest this "Church" be put under the control of some order like the Francsican Friars of Renewal. That would be apt because I am sure that St Francis ,whom this city is named after, is not pleased.

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