Thursday, October 11, 2007

Did The ArchBishop Of San Francisco Give the Body of Christ to Drag Queens(Update)

I wrote this post yesterday on this subject. It appears that the Archbishop is denying this. According to the report the Archbishop did not did not notice any "mock religious garb." Oh well. I am a tad rushed for time because of having to go unexpectedly travel to Monroe Louisiana of all place to pick someone up at the airport.

However The Ratzinger Forum on this thread has the stories and EVEN MORE PICS. Go to the post "San Francisco Archbishop in video giving Communion to gay men dressed as nuns butt denies seeing 'anyone in mock garb' " and start reading.

I do want to give the Archbishop of this historic See named after Saint Francis every benefit of the doubt. I am not into bashing Bishops because well that seems very un Catholic. However to be honest I have a hard time explaining this to non Catholic friends and that is why we call these events "Scandals". At this point I having a hard time buying the Archbishops excuse here because well look at the pics. However I am still open. I suspect he didn't want to cause a scene. If that is the case I wish he would be honest about it. I think a "SCENE" should have been had but at least we would be getting to the truth. However I am open to anything that shows the Archbishop didn't know what was going on.

More post tonight when I get back from Funroe :)

1 comment:

SJ Reidhead said...

Please - take some of the 'weight' of those of us who are poor, hapless Episcopalians! It's time for 'some of you guys' to face the wrath of ____!


SJ Reidhead
The Pink Flamingo