Monday, October 15, 2007


Wow it is not as if the LSU nation is enough of a sour mood after the loss to Kentucky. Bo Pelini has got some people mad at him because how Kentucky treated our defense like a red headed step child on Saturday. But make no doubt these are rants of a temporary day after frustration sort . As I pointed out here before LSU loves BO.

Now just reported from the Great State of Nebraska is this Nebraska AD fired 2 days after blowout . A news conference is about to start in well about 7 minutes. That pretty much means the current Coach of Nebraska will be shown his walking papers at the end of the season.

Pelini of course was interim coach at Nebraska after the last coach was fired. He and many fans were poed that he did nit get consideration for this job.

Expect to see more of these comments such as this that can be seened at the article above all over the net :
Open Letter to Bo Pelini
!Please come back to Nebraska!
The biggest mistake in the history ofthe Huskers program was letting you go. Mr. Pedersen was fired todayand your return seems like a way to make things right. The state ofNebraska really liked you and the majority of us were saddened whenyou left our football program. Not a day goes by during footballseason that your name isnt mentioned in my office. You are remembered
dearly by every Nebraska fan, especially in these dark times.Mr. Callahan is a likable guy, but cannot get things done. He cannotfire up our players like you did. With your one head coach win, youinstilled more passion than the current coaches in the past 4 years.You are our savior and I hope that Mr Perlman recognizes this.Please come back to Nebraska! We are a sinking ship that needs to berighted and I know you can do it. The entire state would be behind youand would give our full support. No other man could help us like youcould. We have a good offensive coordinator in Mr. Watson that couldtake us to that next level. With both of you as coaches NU could beunstoppable. Mr Pelini we need you now!

Well this will cause LSU fans fits and this happening now will cause meltdowns of epic size. I can already hear "the sky is falling" as to recruiting because of this .

Hold on it will be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hopefully Pelini can spell better than the writer of this article