Monday, October 15, 2007

The Best and Greatest in Scam Email

It appears Yahoo still has not fixed the problem with the latest onslaught of spam email that is crowding out legitimate mail I am getting. I have to admit I laughed when I saw this a second ago:
From: Miss Sandra I sent this mail to you yesterday but you did not respond and I am sending it again to you because I really have faith that if you bring out your mind sincerely, You will be able to assist me. Thus;I am writing you this letter with due respect and heart full of tears and I need your help. I'm Miss. Sandra Williams the only Daughter of late Mr and Mrs Martin Williams. My father was a very Rich and wealthy Gold Trader in Monrovia the Capital of Liberia in West Africa. His business associates poisoned him while my mother died when I was a little girl of 19 years. He deposited ($11 MILLION U.S DOLLARS) in a bank here in Cote D'Ivoire. He made this money from the sales of Gold, He also told me that it was because of this money that he was poisoned while on a business trip with business associates and he instructed me to look for a foreign partner who will help me transfer this money out of republic of Cote D’Ivoire and invest it for me, Please help me to transfer this money to your country before this people who killed my father will kill me, they are after my life and they want to kill me and collect this money from me, that is why I'm now hiding my self here in republic of Cote D’Ivoire.

Please I need your urgent help. I will love part of this money to be invested in kingdom work like CHARITY FOUNDATION where the needy and the helpless will be receiving aid and help. I have arrived to this decision after passing through what I passed through in the Cote D'Ivoire United Nations safe keeping Camp. I hope you will not betray the trust I have on you because this money is my only hope in this life, and moreover you will also help me to come over to your country where I will settle down and continue my education while you invest the money as I have directed in all manner of truthfulness.
Yours faithfully
Miss. Sandra Williams.


Anonymous said...

Heh, I just got one on my gmail account. Poor lady...her husband died in Jamaica. He's got a safety security box with 12.5 million in it that she want ME to have...I only have to email this poor soul.
If anything, they make for some entertaining reading.

Paul Cat said...

What's NOT to believe about the email?