Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is A Huckabee Upset in the Work?

Kevin Tracy thinks so at his entry Huckabee Upset in the Works: Is The Numbers Game Already Won? I do too. I mentioned yesterday I was going to start blogging more about Huckabee again. One reason why I have laid off that is because I have a lot of Louisiana readers. We have a election down here coming up and at some point you hit campaign overload. However I am now going to up the Huckabee posts quite a bit.

I saw a article the other day that I intend to spend some time on. The argument is that Giuliani is the only person that can get moderate voters. I think Huckabee supporters need to combat this. Many bloggers , who should know better, for some reason assume Huckabee is in the extreme right. He isn't. Bush got cross over votes(for example the majority of the Catholic vote) for various reasons. I think Huckabee is In a similar position. More later.

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