Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Louisiana Catholic Blogger Round Up for Oct 16th

Holy Savior Catholic Church -Lockport Louisiana

Alive and Young has some really funny and insightful post. Check out Fake Men of Genius: Hopeless Irish Fan . See Where God Works Out . I would love to see this sold and the pic is priceless. Go see Theologian in a Box for more. Last but not least Costumes You Don't Want Your Kids to Wear :).

Dei Gratia has two posts. Go see Pagan Microsoft Word and Morality of Contraception. Check out that last post because it deals with the whole"plan B" controversy too.

Catholic Tube has some good vids up. Go see this sort of downer of a Vid called The Sad State of Catholic Education in America. Recognizing the problem is the first step in correcting it Go check another VID of the Catholic ministry Adore at his entry Adore 2097 Houston. This vid shows me that I am getting old because I have no what this trend is. I am going to watch this tonight though. Go see Halo 3 and Evangelism . He also has another pro-life vid at 40 Days For Life - Day 20.

From The Recamier has to posts. First she says she is going on vacation for two weeks at her entry A Note To The Six Loyal Readers Of This Weblog . By the way I suspect she has a lot more than six loyal readers. She will be trying to update us though and that is pretty exciting. I love when people post tidbits from their vacation while they are on the road. GO check out her main post here.

Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan has entry from yesterday. I don't know what it is because it appears the computer filtering device that is is the work computer is going overactive again. But check it out.

Astonished, Yet at Home! has a few entries up right now. I think over the next few weeks I am going to make a list of the top 100 books I NEED to read. I read alot but I what I read is all over the map. For instance I never have read anything by Oscar Wilde. He has a post on him today at Oscar Wilde . I love this at San Miniato by Oscar Wilde . He has a very interesting post on Obama at Come Down to the Altar and Give Your Heart to . . .. Also for some local Louisiana political flavor check out his post and link Chris Rose Has the Democracy Blues . I have to admit. For Louisiana this is has been quite a boring political season.

Finally we end with the Brown Pelican Society. His posts and links are:
Sabotage in Wartime: The Democrats Practice Irresponsible Politics
Pope Completes Second Encyclical, a Meditation on Christian Hope
40 Days for Life: “Today, Planned Parenthood's Parking Lot Was at 30% Capacity Most of the Day”
Fatima Opens “One of the World’s Largest Churches” in Time for 90th Anniversary
Catholics Cannot Accept Contraception, Says Australian Cardinal
Prostitution: Legal Work or Slavery?
“Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper”: On Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist
Mitt Romney Says Americans Ready to Overturn Roe v. Wade Abortion Case
Fatima's Message is That Following The Gospel is Path to Peace, Pope Says
Bishops' Spokeswoman Criticizes New Guttmacher Study Calling For Global Promotion of Abortion
House of Representatives Set to Vote on Special Rights for Gay Employees
What about the Children? — Is Religion Child Abuse?
Study Finds that Among Teachers, Male Homosexuals are Most Likely to Sexually Abuse Students( I am not buying this rioght off the bat)
Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Bills Forcing Schools to Promote Homosexuality to Five Year Olds
California Governor Schwarzenegger Veto of Gay "Marriage" Made Meaningless by Other Bills
Duquesne Catholic University President Stops Planned Parenthood Ads
Bishop Gregory Aymond of the Austin Diocese Chastises Catholic University for Hosting Dissident 'Theologian', Fr. Charles Curran(maybe more on this later)
TODAY'S GOSPEL & MEDITATION - The Importance of Looking into our Hearts
TODAY'S SAINT - St. Marguerite d’Youville (1701-1771)

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