Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Do The Al Gore Supporters Think This Poster is A Good Idea?

I guess they do. I have an immediate strong negative reaction to it. I would be saying the same thing if Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, or anyone I liked was in that pose. It seems like a combination of Huey Long and some political propaganda poster one would find in North Korea.

Do people become what they "hate"? Bush is often cartooned as some dangerous dicator. Perhaps they truly want that and we see that coming out in this poster.

MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that had this said in her entry Worshiping the Gore God of Global Warming:
I meant to post this poster of the Gore god yesterday and got sidetracked and forgot about it. Its just as well. It seems more appropriate to post this for Sunday worship anyway.
This is actually the REAL poster that is being used by the
Draft Gore Groupies. Its NOT photoshopped! Its real. It makes me think of …. what??? …. hmmmmm ….. oh …. I know …. this. It is the sci-fi version of socrealism.
Darleen calls it …
Flash Gordon meets Uncle Joe (or Hugo Chavez) … BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
In closing our worship service for today, let us be reminded that
St. Gore himself said this is not a political issue … but a religion moral and spiritual issue.
“We face a true planetary emergency,” [Pope Gore] said in a statement. “The climate is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity.”
Amen. Go in peace!

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