Friday, October 12, 2007

The Vatican Is Losing Patience-Bishops who resist Summorum Pontificum: “instruments of the devil”

Well this is interesting. Most Rev. Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments has some pretty strong words. Read Father Z's post here.

On another front we see the Vatican moving with great speed as to this issue. Any time the Vatican does anything fast that is pretty shocking. The Vatican is set up on purpose just to do the opposite. Father Z also reports in this post Msgr. Perl of the Pont. Comm. “Ecclesia Dei”: we are drafting an instruction on the interpretation of Summorum Pontificum . Good read. As Father Z points out the nuggets in this interview are:

the Commission is considering interpretive guidelines for Summorum Pontificum
the Commission has competence to issue such guidelines
that competence supersedes that of individual diocesan bishops
the Commission interprets the Motu Proprio
the Commission is very aware of those who are opposing the Motu Proprio ("in plain sight")
And on the level of Msgr. Perl’s opinion:
in this day and age few people are capable of true obedience
many bishops and priests speaking and acting against the Pope’s provisions are showing disobedience
just because something is newer it is not therefore better

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