Friday, October 12, 2007

How Does the GOP Achieve Success in 08

Aj has a link and comments to a great article written by Lorie Byrd. Lorie is one of those that looks at things in a very calm way. Basically how does the GOP win. I could add a few things to these myself but she hits it on the head. Here are 4 elements to to how the GOP will NOT have success in 08 according to Byrd:

1. Instead of taking positive action and doing the hard work necessary to elect strong conservative candidates in the primaries, whine about how the Republicans aren’t any better than the Democrats. It is sure as heck a lot easier to whine than to make phone calls, stuff envelopes and knock on doors for conservative candidates.
2. After a primary candidate is chosen (without any help from you), forget about how many more positions on issues you and the GOP candidate share, and forget how far left their Democratic opponent is, and instead work against the Republican in the general election (or withhold support from them) to “send a message.”
3. Instead of disagreeing in a civil manner over various issues with those in the party, get emotional and accuse those on your side of being mean doodyheads. (If anyone doubts this is going on, I will gladly share evidence of it with you, but will admit that generally a word worse than “doodyhead” is employed.)
4. Bask in the misery of another loss and instead of working to get conservative Republicans elected in 2010, try to pull as many others as possible into your negative state of being

Now all these seems like bloody common sense. It is not like we have seen the damage the Daily Kos folks have done on the Dem side. However it appears we wish to repeat their mistakes. It is pretty incredible.

In 06 I knew we were in trouble months before the election. Why? Because almost all the spam email I was getting had to deal with RINOS(Republican in Name Only). RINO is now like the word Nazi. It is so overused it loses it's meaning. Everything became a do or die issue and purity test. I knew after how the conservative media handled the Dubai Terminal Lease deal we were in trouble. Yet we continued on our merry way. We had purges at conservative forums, people were banned from commenting on major Conservative sites(like me!!!) all because we might disagree with something that the direct mail people and the pundits(who elected this people by the way) were saying.

What happened was we forgot there were like "democrats" to run against in the primaries and we saw how that turned out. I really have short patience for these antics while we are war.

Anyway good read. I suspect many bloggers will be commenting on this today. If I see some I shall update this entry.

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