Saturday, October 13, 2007

Louisiana Catholic Blogger Update for Oct 13th

St Landrey Catholic Church in Opelousas Louisiana. Ahh Opelousas. Opelousas is one of those towns that needs to work on tourism. It is pretty amazing what is just off I-49 and this is one many of great places that people buzz by and never know the gems that are available. I really want to promote this Church's web site here. Unlike many Catholic Louisiana Church websites this is well done. I love the history and link section. Also check out the great photos at Photo Gallery - Michel Prudhomme Home which is on their site. I never knew this place existed but I intend to stop next time I am in the area.

We have a Short Louisiana Catholic Blogger Update today. Being that is Saturday morning it is generally pretty slow on blogs updating. Since it is a slow day I will add some of my commentary to the blogs posts.

From The Recamier has her update from yesterday. She has no Saints to mention but has a lot of fun facts that you need to know. She mentions yesterday was when Christopher Columbus sighted land after sailing for five weeks. You know I find it shocking how Christopher Columbus as a holiday(that we celebrated last week) is not as celebrated as it once was. I can remember among the Italians Americans it was huge even in most mid size Southern cities. I guess another sign of assimilation and pretty much not carrying about history anymore. I remember when I was in Jamaica on tour we passed "Discovery Bay" where Columbus landed. I think I was the only one that wanted to stop just to say I stood on the same beach as Columbus. Anyway check her entry.

Maudie in Mandeville has a entry up today. It is called Maudie's 'Beatification of Ann Coulter?' . Good piece. I have not talked about this so called controversy and really don't intent to that much. I have a tiny pet peeve with all this. I am getting pretty tired of turning on the TV and seeing Michelle Malkin being interviewed by Sean Hannity talking about Ann Coulter and then having studio guest Dick Morris and the lefts pundit weight in. Turn on Cable News and look at it for a while. It's is all pundits and People we don't elect. Who cares what they say. Why is this news? We have 535 people up in DC(politicians live to get on TV) and yet we never see 95 percent of them. Why is that? I will say that Ann is getting a bad rap here. She is not one of my favorite people either. Anyway a much better blogger than I weighed in on this. The Anchoress weighed in quite well and I suggest reading her post on this issue as well. My advice is to forget Cable News and turn on C-Span.

Alive and Young has a a post up called Go to the Shops . He has a very interesting post called Barbie Goes Middle Eastern . H also mention the Gore Nobel prize win at his post Al Gore Wins!? .

I posted this yesterday but I need to post this in the Louisiana Catholic blogger roundup too. Catholic Underground has updated with their very interesting podcast. It really is getting a worldwide audience if you look at the comments. Go see Episode 54: Here in This Space. Also check out the shownotes that has a ton of links of what they are talking about.Go see Episode 54 Shownotes for that.

Related to the Catholic Underground is a post by Dei Gratia. For those not familiar The Catholic Underground is done by three Louisiana folks that happen to all be on the blog links. Dei Gratia, one of the contributers, appears to be sending a inside joke to the other two contributors in this funny picture post For my friends Fr. Ryan and Fr. Chris. Check out his post Interpretation of Summorum Pontificum also.

Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has a good post up at his entry Feast of Saint Felix (12 Oct 2007) which was from yesterday. He really hit on Columbus also and reminds us American Catholics of a part of our American Catholic patrimony. He talks about Fatima and our Lady too.

Catholic Tube has a good up. Here is a highlight video of the St. John Bosco Youth Day in Wisconsin.

The Brown Pelican Society has many post up.
Relativism and the Rights of Man
Hillary Clinton Will Win the Catholic Vote in 2008"( I am going to write a post on this afternoon while watching the LSU game)
As I Became Least, Christ Became More": Testimony of Convert to the Catholic Faith From Calvinism. I might expand on this later on. Very interesting and again shows what good education on the Church Fathers(which the Pope is trying to do every Wednesday) produces converts. I also find it interesting he was Presbyterian. Many Presbyterians are doing quite interesting things. I have mentioned before about the "New Federalism" movement that by the way has one of its biggest leaders out of a Church in Monroe Louisiana. They are also among all Protestants I find the most Church Father savvy. A Louisiana Presbyterian blogger, that I would wish would start blogging again, Cajun Huguenot is a prime example.
Green Martyrdom
SUNDAY'S HOMILY - Gratitude Is The Rarest Of Virtues
"Memo To Evangelicals"
Ten Years Later, Oregon's is Only U.S. Law Allowing Assisted Suicide
SAINT OF THE DAY: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)

1 comment:

Cajun Huguenot said...


I was surprised to find my blog mentioned on your site. Thanks.

I do hope to get to blogging more. I'm still reading the Early Church fathers and lots of other stuff.

The Lord our God bless and keep you.

In Christ,