Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Interview with the 'Biggie" American Catholic Convert of the Year

When Francis Beckwith came back to A Catholicism(technically not a convert) it really set tounges a wagging in the Catholic and Evangelical blogsphere. Even noted ANTI Catholic James White got into the fray as a noted Catholic apologist documented at his posts "Is Dr. Francis Beckwith Being Personally (Not Just Theologically) Maligned and Attacked for Becoming a Catholic? You be the Judge" and "Reply (at His Request) to James White's Aspersions Upon Dr. Francis Beckwith With Regard to the Latter's Return to the Catholic Church" and "Prominent Evangelical Philosopher and Ethicist Dr. Francis J. Beckwith Has Returned to the Catholic Church . Now having James White get involved was not unpredictable. However the reaction of others was quite something to see.

Dr Beckwith is much more than another Catholic Convert yahoo with a blog(like moi) but a noted force in academia. He teaches at Baylor(which by the way is one of the most fascinating Universities on many levels) and is well published.

Historical Christian has a link to a great interview as well as her thoughts at her post Francis Beckwith and The Road Increasingly Well-Trod. A very good read. Note again the influence of the Church Fathers!!!! Something that very serious Evangelicals, and Reformed are now delving into. Many after immersing themselves do not become Catholic or Orthodox but still are changed. I often find that outside the Catholic/Orthodox circle that many Presbyterians actually are well read and engage the fathers a good bit. Anyway good read.

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