Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Food Ideas For the Feast of St. Therese Oct 1 - Éclairs and More

Catholic Cuisine has been posting up a storm lately.

She have several food ideas for The Feast of St Therese the Little Flower. Did you know her favorite treat was Eclairs? I did not. We sometimes have a difficult time thinking that Saints too loved these earthly pleasures. One can imagine Saint Therese going "Well I actually got along with Sister "annoying" now the hall today so to treat myself I will have an Eclair".

She has recipes here for Rose Cake and Punch for St. Therese and an Eclair recipe so easy even I can do it!! at Easy Mini Éclairs


Jessica Gordon said...

Thank you for passing on these links! I am so glad that you have been enjoying Catholic Cuisine, I know I sure have! :)

The Mini Éclairs are extremely easy. Last year, I had a 3 month old baby, and being as sleep deprived as I was, it was all I could do. However, my children *loved* them, and *remembered* and have been asking this week if we can have them again!

Oh, and we have been working on coming up with some recipes for game. With hunting season starting and all. Look for them in our next From Thy Bounty Fair "The Fruits of the Harvest" on October 13th. If you have any you would like to share as well, please let me (or Mary, who will be hosting this fair) know, and we can include it!

Have a great feast of St. Therese! God Bless!

James H said...

O so enjoy your blog. I am very looking forward to the Wild game stuff:)