Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Primacy of Rome( Through the Fathers Plus Art)

It has been a while since I posted links to the great blog Hallowedground-Traditional Catholic Visualism. THough I am a big adovate of the Latin mass and having the older influncing the newer I am not really a "traditionalist" Thought that word can have a hundred different meanings to people. I just happen to believe that we should embrace our entire Catholic and Christian Patrimony.

Hallowedground does a lot of work finding the most amazing pictures reminding of us of our Catholic Patrimony. Whether it is photos or great arts of works. Since we have PaPa himself coming to the USA, I thought this great post of his was apt. That is Primacy of Rome? What say the Fathers? Nice pictures and art there. I am sure some pictures make us uncomfortable. Especially to Americans. However the Papacy , without losing its core, adapts the needs of the age.

Also check out just a few of his other stunning posts. Such as Thy Altars, O Lord of Hosts.

THere is something about some of his black and white photos often that are very illuminating. I don't know why that is but one seems to get a sense of the scene better at times. Why I don't know. I suppose part of its luck and has to deal with light.

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