Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Mega Resource on Pope Benedict

I noted that Amy Welborn was gathering a Papal Visit Resources Mega-Post. I checked in on it and saw added another incredible resource. That is a very nice blog(that I am adding to the links) Blog by the Sea that has a great post up An Outline of Posts on Pope Benedict XVI. These posts are a treasure trove of links to a lot of what Pope Benedict has said over his Pontificate.

I try my best to post the text of the Holy Father's Weekly Angelus and his Wednesday Audience. I sort of kick myself that I did not give them their own separate Cateogry so I can find them more easily. The Wednesday Audience's have been a great resource for the Early Church Father's. Benedict has been using this time to talk about the Apostles, then the folks in the New Testament, and now the Church Fathers. You literally could teach a Class from his talks. She has them all!!! By the way if you are looking for the Angelus for today, I am awaiting the translation. Anyway book mark this site.

There is a lot more there and worth a visit.

If that leaves you wanting more check out what Mr Blosser has got over here at Cardinal Ratzinger Online

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