Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Peggy Noonan(Not A Big Fan)

Peggy Noonan I know impresses people but I am baffled why. I think it is because of the way she talks. She sort of sounds like to what you would imagine a female William F Buckley would sound like. Whenever she is on the air with Chris Matthews it seems to be one mutal "look at me" segment.

The Pink Flamingo has a pretty good post called IS NOONAN A WOMAN SCORNED?. The Flamingo states:
why is this woman in such a snit with GWB. As a member of the female race, I reserve the right to pass judgment on women. Peggy Noonan has had a bee in her bonnet about George W. Bush for several years now. It’s starting to sound like the old adage, “Hell Hath No Fury…” She’s after him like an irrational woman, plain and simple. Something GWB either did or didn’t do put this woman in a pure, female snit. She’s mad at him. I’m not sure why. I wish I were one of those really annoying Kos or Huff bloggers so I could make the comment I want to make but I’m not. The woman sounds like she has this just plain weird infatuation with conservatives and maybe with GWB as the second-coming (RWR). Evidently GWB isn’t as RWR conservative pure as she had hoped he would be, so she’s now after him like a dumped woman staking some man she once thought was her suitor. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t GWB specifically, but any GOP POTUS who is conservative and starts out reminding her of RWR.

Ia m curious too. I also wonder why we should be paying attention to her in the first place. I don't know what Bush did to her. Perhaps she did not get a invite to the White House Christmas party. Something silly has made her upset and she has been on full tear ever since

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