Wednesday, October 10, 2007

More News From Iraq

Some days there is just so much I want to blog about. For instance there are some things at blogs such as Kevin Tracy, Sigmund, Carl and Alfred, The Maritime Sentry , Historical Christian, Mirror of Justice, and Campaign2008VictoryA - A blog exploring and advocating the Governor Palin be Vice President on the 08 GOP ticket that I would really would to explore on this blog. That is just a few blogs that have caught my attention with entries I think I should help spread around

However I have posted like over 10 entries allready and the on heavy blogging days like this the queston echos in my mind "How much is too much till people lose interest" HMMM Seems I might be reaching that blog post saturation point. Still I might pump out a couple of more.

From Burke to Kirk and Beyond... though has a post I would like to highlight. Partially because I think I am going to do a post tonight on the news you are not hearing on the WOT. I generally think that the American public unless they are actively searching out info they are pretty uninformed on the WOT and what exactly is happening. He has a good post here at Victor Davis Hanson blogs from Iraq. I like his observations when he states:
His observations I think are keen, in particular, his assessment of the officer corps. The Petraeus school prevails in Iraq at the moment. The "bunker the troops until the Iraqis get their act together" school is not running the occupation right now. The current group of mid-level officers knows how to fight this war.I expect them to run the U.S. Army for the next two decades. (Of course, they'll try to fight the next war with tactics good for Iraq.)

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