Friday, October 12, 2007

Louisiana Catholic blogger Roundup For Oct 12th

St Martin de Tours Catholic Church in St Martinville Louisiana. It is the Mother Church of the Acadians established in 1765. Building circa 1844 and they have Guided tours in French and English.

Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has a nice post today. Go to his entry Feast of Saint Peter Tuy (11 Oct 2007). He talks about the " second lung of the Church" that is Orthodoxy.

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has a post up called Blogging Break. Don't worry it will not be long. She is feeling a little under the weather.

Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan has a hilarious picture of a sign under today's entry. He also has a great post here at The Office of Readings for Today: St. Vincent of Lerins. Yesterday he had a ton of interesting entries. They included:
Interview with Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, on Summorum Pontificum

The Eucharistic Spirituality of the Church: Formation, catechesis – and assessment of results – are essential for true liturgical reform by Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith

Great speech, I have no idea who is speaking though

Massachusetts bishop issues warning to Jesuit college

Full Circle has several great post up. I really like The End of Halloween? . I loved the King of THe Hill episode where he decides enough with all this anti Halloween silliness. Have no doubt Catholics and other Christians will be assaulting us how Halloween is bad. Check out his entries Unprecedented Muslim call for peace with Christians , Three things my parents did right , and Fighting spam on your blog .

Dei Gratia has posted three new posts since I checked in yesterday morning. All very good reads. First see Marriage outside the Church?. A hilarious picture here at Another Chinese Toy Recall?. HE also hits on another subject that I have been posting about. GO READ!!! Put your trust not in princes. See the update too. I think he gives a very correct viewpoint that is balanced. A post here with pro life importance. Check out Massachusetts Bishop calls down “Catholic” College

From The Recamier has a good post up here. I feel really negligent that I was not aware of whom we should be remembering yesterday after reading her post.

Catholic Tube has some great vids up. He has the vid that is related to the post that DEI Gratia did I asked for people to please read. Go to Controversy in San Fran. More on a Louisiana based Catholic ministry at Adore 2097 Williamsburg. Finally on his site check out this great vid that is a XLT night in Boise with Matt Maher as the worship leader, and giving a talk about the Eucharist being the source and summit of the Catholic life; being the point we journey from and journey to.

Now we get to the most busy Louisiana Catholic Bloggers.

Astonished, Yet at Home! has a lot today. Check out this post on the rosary at A Weapon of Mass Conversion . He has Exploiting John Paul II and Mother Teresa . He has this post Vatican Nuncio Champions Universal Health Care, Criticizes Military Spending . Please read this post about the controversial movie that is coming out His Dark Materials: Atheism for Kids . By the way its early voting in Louisiana. Before you go vote read his post Remember School Choice This Election Cycle . Remember to keep his dad in your paryaers. He gives a update at Back to Normal for a Moment

Finally we come to the Brown Pelican Society. His post and links are:
Pro-life Activist Calls for Protest Against Planned Parenthood
ABORTION HEALING - Rachel's Vineyard
SAINTLY QUOTE - Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
40 Reasons to Have Kids
Catholics in Political Life
James Dobson Interview: It's About Principle, Not Pragmatism(I might comment on this later. I find saying this right now pretty counter productive).
Conspicuously Absent From the Folsom Street Fair! 400,000 People, and No Media?
Pope Benedict Urges Government Subsidy of Faith-Based Schools
Planned Parenthood's Guttmacher Institute Said to Play "Fast and Loose" With Abortion Stats
Bishop Warns College of the Holy Cross May Lose Catholic Name for Not Cancelling Pro-Abortion Groups in Conference
Former Member of National Abortion Rights Action League Speaks out for Life at Princeton University
TODAY'S GOSPEL & MEDITATION - Our Weakness United to Christ
SAINT OF THE DAY: St. Seraphin of Montegranaro (1540-1604)


GumboFilé said...

I love the photos of churches. Most churches built in the last 50 years in the USA are hideous. Our fledgling PCA church in Lafayette bought an old church building near downtown about 2 years ago and we have been re-beautifying it since. It had been used as a daycare for the last 40 years or so. It'll never be as beautiful as the churches that appear here but it'll never be as ugly as a metal building either.

David in Grand Coteau

James H said...

Gumbo I so agree with you

I think what has happened to Church Building the last few deacdes are horrid. So many Catholic Chruches look like Funeral homes. Historic Protestant Chruches meet the wrecking ball. It is like we don't really care about the people that came beofre us. Also I find that most people hate the way the Churches look but rarely do people get involved in doing anything about it.

Especially in places like historic Louisiana where faith is linke dot history I wish people would consider that when building new churches