Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I don't Know What "We need to Partition Iraq" Means

In deciding who I was going to support for President it came down to Senator Brownback and Governor Huckabee. They largely shall the same outlook on matters that I deem important. However of the issues that swaayed me to Huckabee was when Senator Brownback starting saying "WE NEED TO Partition IRAQ". Basically divide it into three countries. I thought that bonkers and insane. First they have a freely elected Government so WE cannot do that. Second it is a bad idea. Third what in heavens name would our Nato ally Turkey think about that. They don't want a Independent Kurdistan right next door.

I thought From Burke to Kirk and Beyond... has a excellent but short post on this subject at Partition Iraq? Every time I hear a US politician talk about this I want to scream at the TV. It is such a non starter it is silly to bring up in my view. Iraq will divide up if Iraqis want it to happen.

SO far I am seeing quite a bit of senitiment from the Iraqis that they would lke to stay united thank you very much.

1 comment:

Michael D. said...

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but the partition plan didn't call for three separate countries. Rather it called for more of a confederacy between three states (think states in the Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi sense) divided to give each ethnic group a measure of autonomy. So we'd still have Iraq but the ethnic groups would have less reason to feel marginalized.

I think this plan would address some concerns that Tertium Quid expressed. That is, the partitions he named didn't work b/c it completely separated groups, and usually on arbitrary lines so that groups felt disenfranchised and began fighting to reclaim land. I can't see fighting being increased by this plan but I can see a lot of promise by granting these groups more rights.

I've yet to hear any other plan that actually proposes a way to improve the situation in Iraq. If the US starts to strongly suggest it, I think the Iraqis will willingly adopt it. I don't think the Iraqis have a whole lot of attachment to their current government and constitution.