Friday, July 30, 2010

Secession , Nullification and Sanctuary Cities

I have noticed something odd in the debates over immigration.

People who advocate state rights, the possibility of secession, and wanting the State have the ability to nullify Federal law have huge problems with sanctuary cities. That is those places where the city or county Governments have said they will not help federal authorities in deporting illegal aliens. In fact these cities often help illegal aliens . A lot of the before mention people want to the bring the wrath of the Federal Government on these places and basically want local Govt workers to be drafted as federal agents.

On the flip side people that support sanctuary cities as a general matter are in horror that the States are fighting the provisions of the Fed Law dealing with health care, look with horror that certain groups thinks Federal laws can be nullified, , and generally take a dim view of Federalism on a lot of matters it seems and support a Federal Govt with great powers. In fact in reality they are much more Secession and Nullification like people that actually adovcate those doctrines at least as to nullification in a practical sense.

Funny how both groups are inconsistent in some ways. In both cases it seems they just don't like the Federal law that was passed.

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