Monday, April 7, 2008

Louisiana Catholic Blogger Update For April 7th

Note on if you made your way to this little entry. Digg (which you see at the bottom of each post) appears to be having a problem. What ever is occurring is slowing now the loading of my blog page. You might wish to open the below links in new windows to speed things up

Full Circle has several good entries up since we last checked in on Friday. Go see The rice shortage and the folly of blaming the Catholic Church , Blue on blue, now that we are through , I'm watching a talking show ... , and The topic of chapel veils came up recently

From The Recamier last updated on Saturday here. She starts out her always informative post with a bio on the Saint we honored on the 5th. That is Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest (1419).

Vox Feminae has A Quiet Weekend... ( this is pretty cool) and related to Still can't seem to use audacity... Vox who is the Schola Choir is recording the wonderful stuff they are doing. The wonderful music you are hearing when you open her blog. I think that is their choir actually singing if I am reading her series of posts correctly. Also see Weekend update... and Cistercian Abbey Gregorian Chant - Stift-Heiligenkreuz

Catholic Tube - Catholic Videos and News has Being Manly and The Promise God’s Purpose and Plan For When Life Hurts

Alive and Young has another installment of Not Said By Jesus Sunday . Also see
Head Colds and the Charleston

Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has Feast of Saint John Baptist de la Salle (7 Apr 2008). This is a very good post and is linked the situation in our Catholic schools

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has New Banner Art

Please Be sure to Check out The Brown Pelican Society that puts up about ten links a day on politics, pro-life issues, and other news from a Catholic viewpoint.

Footprints on the Fridge has Simply Lovely Spring 2008: The Splendor of Spring

Thoughts & Ruminations of Father Ryan has a ton of interesting Posst. Sometimes he has permalinks and sometimes he doesn't. His BLOG PLATFORM IS ANNOYING!!!! :) However go see a lot of interesting stuff he has posted the last couple of days under his April 6th and April 7th entries.

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