Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is Rush Limbaugh Crossing a Line?

That is the question the Anchoress is asking here at Is Limbaugh subverting a sacred trust?.

I am not a big fan of talk radio. It used to inform to a certain degree but after watching it the last 4 years I am not so sure. About the only talk radio show host that is "conservative" and seems to try to be fair to different parts of conservative opinion is Michael Medved. Sadly he is not on in my area and I only can listen to him on occasion on the net.

That being said I have a huge feeling that Operation Chaos will be a bust. Talk radio is important but often what it produces is pure astroturfing.

I agree with Anchoress though. I always get uncomfortable when people play games with other peoples primaries. I suppose there are some exceptions. I mean if one party was about to nominate someone like Hitler or David Duke well yeah I might be tempted to cross over to stop it.

I think this part is important in reference to Rush's continued talk about how the Democrats played around and got us John McCain. She states:

I reject the premise that the Democrats “selected” John McCain. Had conservatives managed to find that “Ronald Reagan II” they were demanding, he/she would have been immune to stray Dem hijinks; if the conservatives couldn’t find/groom a preferred candidate when they’ve known they needed one for the past 4 years, they shouldn’t whine about it or blame others. (Please don’t tell me “Mitt was perfect” - you only loved him when you had no other choice but McCain, and you got McCain because no one else was “good enough” and Thompson was never serious. And remember, I’m the girl who still thinks — because things turn on a dime — that McCain may still not be the GOP candidate; health and age are real issues.

So true. I say that as someone that was a Mike Huckabee fanatic. I thought Mike Huckabee was the best thing since sliced bread. Just like others thought of that as to Thompson, Romney, etc .What Rush sees as a big conspiracy is in fact conservative and National election Republican leaning democrats that voted for McCain. Big whoop we need them.

No what bugs certain talk show hosts perhaps is that their influence was not nearly as big as they thought it was. THe voters have spoken. GET OVER IT.

Beyond that I still don't like these monkeyshines and too be honest as the Anchoress says" if the “operation” is rooted in a spirit of spiteful payback — it is bound to reap negative fruit" I so agree with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not think that any of the candidates were perfect, but Mr. Huckabee was the best we had. By backing Mr. Romney, Mr. Limbaugh and others missed the boat. They failed to see the good points of Mr. Huckabee and they failed to see the bad points of Mr. Romney. To say that the Democrats decided our race is non-sense.