Friday, April 4, 2008

Archbishop of St Louis is Some Go Getter

Father Z has even more good news at St. Louis: Archbp. Burke creates an Institute of Sacred Music . You know this could be happening at Dioceses across the nation.

However that will require Catholics to open up their pocketbooks(not a lot ) a little. If you build it they shall come!!!! It is quite amazing the talent in Music one finds at even the most average of State Universities. This is one reason why I think having the extraordinary form of the Liturgy available at College Campuses as well as development of sacred music and the liturgy as to the ordinary form is such a natural fit. A fit that provides life long benefits to the community after these folks leave college.

If the Catholic Church on the Parish Level committed to serious Sacred music on the local level, Music departments across the country would rejoice!!! However that involves paying some of these people , who want families a LIVING WAGE. One would not have to have a well paid Music director in every Parish. However having enough to network that could help teach a whole Diocese over time would be great.

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