I have always disliked Tony Perkins. His monkeyshines in the Cao race this weekend about sent me over the edge.
TRUST ME - This BIZARRE move here somehow benefits him. We just don't know how yet it does or whom he will get the benefits from yet.
From the Hayride:
12:55 p.m. – The Joseph Cao-Tony Perkins fiasco over the weekend isn’t over. Today, the Greater New Orleans Republicans took a vicious shot at Perkins for the Family Research Council’s attack on Cao…
“Tony Perkins and his organization’s de-facto endorsement of Cedric Richmond is one of the strangest political gambits in a state known for bizarre politics. Rather than supporting one of the most pro-life members of Congress, Mr. Perkins has decided to join ranks with President Barack Obama, New Orleans City Hall and Democratic US Senator Mary Landrieu by working against Cao’s bid for re-election.”
“Perhaps Mr. Perkins spends too much time in Washington and isn’t aware how Congressman Cao has helped restore integrity and honor to a seat that was tarnished by its previous occupant. And perhaps he is ignorant of Congressman Cao’s ironclad commitment to protect the unborn. Or that splitting the conservative vote in the Second Congressional District will lead to the election of a liberal Democrat who will advance an agenda Mr. Perkins and the FRC supposedly opposes.”
“Mr. Perkins’ actions are irresponsible, politically unsound and will result in the election of the most socially liberal member of the US House of Representatives from Louisiana in the history of our state.”
“The Greater New Orleans Republicans encourages Republicans, independents and conservative Democrats to support the re-election of Congressman Cao and not fall for Perkins’ ploy that is similar to trickery used by Democrats in the northeast to split the conservative vote in order to allow a liberal Democrat to win election to Congress.”
“The choice is clear for the voters of the Second District: Cao or Richmond.”
It’s raining like hell in New Orleans today. That helps Cao a great deal. If he ends up winning this thing, it’s entirely possible Perkins’ attack will fade into the woodwork. But if Cao loses a squeaker, there will be lots of people in Louisiana looking for Perkins’ scalp.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
In Election Day Statement New Orleans Republicans Tell Tony Perkins Off ( Cao Race)
Posted by
James H
11/02/2010 01:39:00 PM
Labels: 2010, CAO, GOP, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
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I'm with you, I've never liked Perkins. He has never been anything but an opportunist. This endorsement of Richmond is beyond all reason.
He needs to be called out on it.
I am going to do some research on this but I suspect I might get what the pay off is. Stay tuned!
But yeah he is an opportunist and this is beyond irresponsible.
I'm loving it!
The Pink FLamingo
I am so upset at the results in Cao race
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