Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Three Cheers For Notre Dame- Why Football Is Important

Good grief another positive post on Notre Dame. I will not get into the stupidity of allowing players to decide if they shall go to a Bowl game for now.

From m Mirrors of Justice:
Football and philosophy
From Ivan Maisel's
Three Point Stance:

It’s important that Notre Dame remain relevant in college football, not only for history and tradition, but because Notre Dame still believes that high academic standards and winning can co-exist. Asked Monday if it’s tough to focus on school while thinking about who the next coach might be, Irish defensive end Kapron Lewis-Moore said, “Actually with me the hardest thing is thinking about if I want to write about Aristotle in my philosophy paper.” Beautiful.

Posted by Michael Scaperlanda on December 1, 2009 at 10:55 AM in
Scaperlanda, Mike Permalink TrackBack (0)

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