Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some Catholic Blog Reactions to the Judge Sonia Sotomayor Nomination (Updated)

Tip of the hat to Pro-Ecclesia for this. See at Catholics in the Public Square
President Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor.

Again we see a theme. That is to be careful with this nomination and that it could be worse!!! When I say it could be worse I do not mean that this nominee is a light weight or unqualified. I find those arguments going around a little dubious so far.

For Conservatives one does not want a Liberal Scalia on the bench. Liberal law students often have grapple with Scalia. A common reaction is "How can something that sounds so good be so wrong".

Now of course when are talking about the conservative movement we are talking about different factions. If you are part of the Chamber of Commerce Crowd it might be indeed be very bad..TO say the least she is an advocate of the Plaintiff bar. See Business and the Sotomayor Pick

These non sexy issues do not usually get a lot of attention but affect every day Americans. Still it is hard to say because she appears to have a leaning to the pro-plaintiff bar that this would be disqualification. Roberts and Alito for instance had leaning toward business.

In a sense what is interesting is what we do not know about her. For instance she is a total blank slate on National Security issues.

Republicans Need to make sure this nomination is not rushed. There is plenty of time.

They need to
(1) Use this as a platform for a little adult education on our views of the LAW
(2) To fully vet her (on issues of National Security, important Conservative legal precedent, 2nd amendment, Federalism issues, etc etc)
(3) to prepare in the public minds the fight over the next Obama nominee which I suspect will be far more threatening.


(4)To get in the public minds that ELECTIONS MATTER. That is contrary to the CW Republicans and Democrats are not all the same or similar foolish notions. The Picks on the Supreme Court Show that in a dram tic fashion. A lesson one would think many would know by now. If not for Ohio President Kerry would have replaced The Chief Justice and O'Conner. A bullet we nearly missed. It is also helpful to recall that Scalia is not exactly a young chicken anymore.

At this point though I think it would be a waste of resources to do a to the mattress fight over her.

The Sensible Darwin over at Americn Catholic has similar thoughts. See This Is Not One To Fight

By the way I hope the usual voices that proclaim RepubCathollcs are just shrills are taking notice of this.

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