Monday, December 1, 2008

The New American Anti Catholicism

The old anti Catholicism is dying out. The anti Catholicism that was the product of extreme Protestants and evangelicals that had incorrect information. Why and how this happen is interesting. I think there are four main factors:

1- John Paul II and his Papacy which was open to Evangelicals and who was respected as a political and moral leaders on many fronts

2- The Political alliance between many Evangelicals and Catholics where they got to know each other

3- The Rise and Revival of Catholic Apologetics which was related too

4- The rise of the Internet and availability of information

However a new more dangerous anti Catholicism is on the rise. Father Longdecker has a excellent column on this especially in light of his history and the events he was involved in last week. See American Anti-Catholicism . What is frightening about this anti Catholicism is these people might use political power to shut us up. That might seem insane but it could very well happen


Subvet said...

"What is frightening about this anti Catholicism is these people might use political power to shut us up."

I'm sure you're aware of the present climate in Canada where "hate crimes" are enthusiastically prosecuted. Give it a few years and we'll be in the same boat.

FWIW, in this I see Obama's election as indicative of the "me first" mentality we've all become attached to. He was elected for two reasons.

First, he was black and that alone had an overwhelming appeal to many. The fact that it would more properly be used a criteria for electing a homecoming queen and NOT the Chief Executive of this country was ignored. White guilt was satisfactorily addressed and that was all that mattered.

The second reason was the fear of an economic collapse and it's implications. In a country where obesity is considered a problem amongst the poor we've got people losing sleep over the fate of their 401K. As I told one such voter, "Nothing is promised in life, there are other things to be considered." I could have saved my breath.

Personally, the whole thing disgusted me. A nation founded by citizen-soldiers who marched barefoot through the snows of Valley Forge has now degenerated to electing someone not on the issue of the Iraq War, not on abortion, not on dealing with immigration, but on maintaining our investment portfolios.

God help us all.

So we as a nation are so self indulgent that any call to morality will be seen as a nuisance. Those issuing the call will be dealt with PDQ. The overall accepting attitude of "I'm okay, you're okay", will justify labeling anyone adhering to ideas of objective truth as bigoted.

Just don't mess with our savings, we'll all get along just peachy.


James H said...

YOu know those Human Right Commisions in Canada was what I was thinking of.