Monday, December 1, 2008

Louisiana Catholic Blog Update For Monday, December 1, 2008

Time for the Louisiana Catholic Blogger update!!! I quit posting over the Thanksgiving Holiday so we shall pick up with what Louisiana Catholic bloggers have been saying since Friday.

Moms and Kids At Home has Good Jesse Tree Printables

From The Recamier has her daily update at Daily Update: November 30, 2008

Catholic Underground the Louisiana Catholc podcast to the world has CU Episode 90: Live Fake Radio. The description is "This episode: did you happen to see a Russian Orthodox Church anywhere? I lost mine. Spiritual Dryness Made Itchy By WiFiness? We’ll chat about it as well as how you can moisten your soul this ChristmasLent…er Advent season. Picks of the Week, cu metro, and some backchat. Enjoy!"

IN HOC SIGNO VINCES has The Faith of the Centurion: Mass Reading for 12-1-08
Gospel Mt 8:5-11Pope Benedict XVI, Jeffrey Steenson, and My Journey Home , Daily Gospel Reading for the Mass - First Sunday in Advent 11-30-08 ,Mass Reading for 11-29-08 , and Daily Mass Reading: 11-28-08

Works and Prayers of a Fils Prodigue has Read this book! and “Advent is a Time of Waiting”

Witnessing Hope has Without counting the cost

The Louisiana Brown Pelican Society( lay Louisiana Catholic organization) has their major update

The Last Bastion of Tradition HAS UPDATED!!!!! It was Wednesday but I shall include them. I was about to delete him but I am kind Blog God. He gets an exemption from the non posting requirement for at least 3 months. See Personal Ramblings on the Eve of Thanksgiving

ALIVE AND YOUNG has The Quick 10: Bible and Tradition , and Not Said By Jesus Sunday: Advent Edition

Astonished, Yet at Home! has Changes to the Nature of This Blog and Sometimes Mainstream Country Gets It Right

Thy Nose to the Marble. of Father Decker has Page Three of Joe Catholic

For The Greater Glory has Good Sports News ( God knows we need it here in Louisiana), It's December and that means (Pope prayer intentions!!) ,The Role of Charity In the Christian Life ( an interesting post bcause I am about to post the "post" he is referencing) , Santa Wars ( He is pro Santa too) ,Oklahoma wins the BCS brawl ,Deportations Increase in 2008 ,Escalation in India ,How to chase people from the faith , and the The Santa Claus Lie? . See also Contraception Better than Abortion?

Full Circle has Uraguay's version of FOCA vetoed by their popular progressive president

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has Why Plan? (nice post), I Thought They Already Lived in a Zoo , First Sunday of Advent, and Kayleigh's Chicken/Cornbread Dressing

Maudie in Mandeville has Bush v Obama's troops , and are they among us? , and Mt. 8:27 lost on Zawahri

Our expat Priest in Houston Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has a nice message here at Feast of Saint Edmund Campion (1 December 2007)

Finally our expat priest in New Jersey Da Mihi Animas has Taize and the Word of God , City of God vs City of Man ,Remebering Blessed Charles de Foucauld , "He who saves one life... saves the world entire!" , A Prayer for Advent , Saint of the day: Andrew the Apostle ,Fight FOCA! ,Praying for Priests: Trinitarians of Mary ,Remembering Our Lady of Beauraing , and Benedict XVI: It is our decision whether to follow evil or the good

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