Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why Doesn't Everyone Have Bishops?

I just posted I need more Louisiana Catholic Bloggers for that part of the link section. However I am very ecumenical. I have non Catholics on here that talk about their faith. It seems that they have a very Anglican focus though. They include writer and political blogger The Pink Flamingo from out west. We have a huge Anglican blogger from Louisiana that is a must read every day. That is Drell’s Descants . Also I have Bryan Sherwood and Vindicated(Anglican) that are are members of the Anglican communion. I have others.

I do have a very interesting Reformed blogger with the provocative name of Cajun Hugenot also. I have said before I enjoy his posts a lot. He has done a series of posts on the reformed view of the "Real Presence" that I keep saying I am going to engage. I am keeping track of these promised posts I keep talking about. I am going to do one before Sunday on all this "Ron Paul is perfect Catholic Choice" nonsense I keep seeing on the web. I promise that. I know I have been saying I would not for weeks.

However the Hugenot has again a very interesting post called Church Government which he did a few days ago. He also has a great link to a google book that makes the defense of that which he is advocating. HE says in part:
Many years ago I did a study to see whether the congregational/democratic form of government, used by the Baptists, or the the federal/rule by elders used by Presbyterians was more biblical. I was thoroughly convinced that the Baptist position was not supported by Scripture, and adopted the Presbyterian system to be the biblical position.After doing that study

I made the move from being a Baptist and adopted the Presbyterian position about church government. It didn't occur to me then that I need to study the issue further and look at the episcopal form of church government as well. The episcopal form (rule by bishops) is the type of government that is used by the Anglican/Episcopal Churches, Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches. I simply assumed that those churches' hierarchical forms had slowly evolved over a long period of time, but I believed that the Presbyterian form was the true biblical of Church government.

As you can see on his blog entry he is considering again the Episcopal form and its possible merits as being the correct form. He goes into how Reformed theologians in England maintained an episcopal understanding of Church government. He has a google book link written by a prominent proponent of that view in England. Anyway I thought that was interesting. To me its apparent that the Episcopal form and all that derives from that structure is correct when looking at scripture and the Early Church Fathers. Anyway I wanted to note his entry because it seems interesting and also shows an refreshing open mindedness on a Christian's part to raise these questions. I intend to give that google book link a glance tonight.

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