Friday, December 14, 2007

Louisiana Catholic Blogger Roundup For Dec 14

I feel much better today so I think I am up to doing the Louisiana Catholic Blogger Update. Sorry for its absence.

At home I am still on ancient dial up here at the house. Which means that I am cruising at 58,000 baud. Like the stone age basically . To make matters worse when it rains, which it has been here, the moisture for some reason cuts that in half to 24 ,ooo Baud. We are like talking 1988 here.
So therefore the Louisiana Catholic blogger update that normally takes me 30 to 40 minutes to do at work takes over a hour at home once I get all the blogs loaded to look at and start typing. Some of these blogs are graphic heavy so well you get the picture. Needless to say I have not been up to that piece of work .

Anyway here we go.
First lets Check Out Catholic Tube that has a whole BRAND NEW LOOK!!!HE has a new vid up called Materialism and Christmas.

Full Circle has several entries from the past few days worth reading. First check this post out Extraordinary conversion - hell comes at us in obvious and sometimes unexpected places. That post is pretty breathtaking. Also see his post Baby tax??? and B16 apparently now foe of environmentalists .

Alive and Young has a entry up called Thieves Make off with Man's 'Holy Leg' . Also see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Church . By the way do you want to send the Pope a Christmas Card? Go to Send the Pope a Christmas Card to find out how. By the way I am now reminded that he" memed me" before I got ill and I never "memed" back. I need to do that this weekend.

From The Recamier who is one my favorites because I feel so well educated after reading her daily enty has her latest here.

Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has his latest meditation at Feast of Saint Lucy (13 Dec 2007). I thought this was a interesting post on St John The Baptist.

Arrival : The Parousian Weblog has a excellent post up called A New Magnificat

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has a nice new header up for the season. By the way my Les Miles header is going nowhere till the game is over in case your wondering. Don't want to jinx the Tigers. Anyway check out her posts Book Walk Winner and Holiday Reading.

Our Priest Blogger from the Diocese of Baton Rouge has a new entry up today under his Dec 14th entry at Thy Nose to the Marble.

Footprints on the Fridge has a two nice posts up. Go see some cool pics from Family Vacation here at New photos that were taken at Jamestown and Yorktown. I really enjoyed this post of hers on How her family celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Go see A Different Kind of Feast

A Number of Things has a post up called Eight Random Things and another one called Sketchbook: Pattern Play

At last we come to the every busy Brown Pelican Society. The Brown Pelican gives us a average of 8 or 9 links and post a day that highlights all the Catholic, religious, and political news that we need to know. Because I am on the ancient dial up I am not going to load each of those pages so I can copy and past each individual link. However Check him out today.

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