Monday, July 21, 2008

Do Evangelicals and other Protestants Really Believe Jesus Had Brothers and Sisters?

Just a question really in general and I am saying this as a former Baptist!!! I started thinking about this after I read Regula Fidei. post St. Luke 2:7, On the Virginity of St. Mary. (Great post with tons of Church Fathers)

I suppose there are two different but related questions` that are often in the mix- That is did Jesus have siblings , and/or did the Blessed Virgin Mary remain celibate after she bore Jesus.

It seems that many people spend a great deal of time trying to prove that Mary had sex with Joseph after Jesus was born and that leads to the brother/sister question

Though I see a some attempts by Christian people to prove he had brothers and sisters (more precisely to prove the Catholic position wrong) , I can't recall many actually believing this as a former Southern Baptist. I can't recall either that I was taught this in Sunday school.

Now no doubt some believe that Jesus had physical step brothers and sisters , but I wonder how much of this arguing over this is a Catholic gotcha game instead of what prevailing attitude is in their faith community.


GumboFilé said...

It wouldn't even be an issue except for the Roman doctrinolatry of Mary's perpetual virginity.

David in Grand Coteau

James H said...

Well I think you have a point and of course there is the ORthodox viewpoint too.

I guess I am trying to recall if the issues of brothers and sisters was even talked about or if it assumed that he did have any