Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson Trying to Scuttle Pending Reunification WIth the Catholic Church

I think it is apparent he is. Creative Minority Report has the story at Desperate Williamson Denies Holocaust . Bishop Williamson is in my view is a certifiable loony toon. He knows that some Jews are already in a uproar with the Vatican and no doubt knows this will not help Pope Benedict at all.

If this thing comes off as rumored the headlines in Papers (and especially in Europe) will not be the healing of horrible schism but JEW HATING BISHOP WELCOMED BACK INTO THE FOLD. I am not saying he hates Jews but the media will have a field day. It is somewhat regrettable that he is part of the package deal. I can't image what the Front Pages of UK papers will look like.

This British Priest Blogger has similar concerns

On a lighter note Father Fr Longenecker's over at Standing on My Head had some amusing posts related to this that are worth a look again.

Bishop Williamson writes...
Dickie Williamson Takes on Lassie

If Bishop Williamson does come back into the fold I suspect that there will be continued drama.

Related my post Fraternity of St. Pius X Coming Back Home?

One of the Better Reporters on Catholic Matters in the UK has Pope 'to lift SSPX excommunications' just as Bishop Williamson denies Nazi gas chambers which is a goodread. There is a vid


Anonymous said...

I am not sure how one can deny murder and have be welcomed back in the church. If Bishop Williamson had denied that abortion occurred would he still have had the excommunication lifted? Didn't the holocaust destroy life just as abortion did? Yet if you vote for a candidate that supports abortion rights you risk being denied Holy Communion.

Anonymous said...

Hi from South Africa

Do we have anyone trying to present evidence to the bishop to show him he is wrong or had false information??

No!, We only have people that wants to throw him with stones.

Is it not funny how they BBC, National Geographic etc can make documentaries stating stuff like Jesus of the Bible did not live, or He is not the son of God? Hollywood make use of His name as a swear word, but that is all fine.

Then one person say according to the evidence he cannot believe that the Holocaust happened as they suggest, the world wants to though this person in jail?

All I can say is thank you Bishop Richard Williamson for seeking the truth and for having the faith and guts for speaking out.

May our Lord God Jesus be with you.