Monday, December 3, 2007

Writing The Vatican Matters!!!

I rarely write the Vatican. I often have visions of it being like the Post Office when all the letters to Santa arrived. However it appears I am wrong!!

Father Z at the What Does the Pray Really Say has a very interesting post called Reaction to Fr. Z’s Tips for writing to the Vatican . I thought this part was interesting. Remember Father Z works there!! He says in part :
"Let me just say that in one meeting, years ago, letters from lay faithful were exactly the right ammunition in a fight with a bishop about permission to have Mass with the 1962MR. They were exactly the right things to have in that moment.Finally, you might gain some insight into how the Curia works from the great game of baseball, useful for all discussions of the sacred. The best teams in baseball are such because they diligently accumulate tiny advantages over a long season. Bit by bit. Tiny pieces of information are noted and remembered. "This pitcher tends to throw this sort of pitch when someone is on base", "This batter tends to hit to left field", etc. Then one day you find yourself in the position where these bits of information come together at a critical moment and you are in business! Tiny advantages over a long time. Patience."

It is a very good post.

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