Pretty cool story from the always interesting and dynamic Diocese of Little Rock.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
On 67th birthday Arkansas Man Enters Catholic Seminary
Posted by
James H
3/31/2011 11:26:00 PM
New Liturgical Music For the Lady Gaga Mass For Holy Week
The Lady Gaga "mass" might have a special Holy Week update.
Posted by
James H
3/31/2011 03:20:00 PM
Labels: Protestant
Diocese of Alexandria Catholic Priest Becomes Citizen To Serve The Military
Posted by
James H
3/31/2011 01:02:00 PM
Labels: diocese of Alexandria, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, military
Louisiana Democrat Rising Star Caroline Fayard 's Very Bad Week
And that is coming from a liberal blog. From the Daily Kingfish see How to Lose Friends And Influence Nobody I noted a few weeks ago if Fayard and the State Democrats were smart they would not have the National Democrat establishment push her into a race against Bobby Jindal for Governor. This seems to be evidence that my advice might actually be good. I have no doubt she is capable and could be a foe for the GOP in the future. However a lot about politics is doing and learning from mistakes. In the Governor's race the margin of error is slim. Why totally screw up a poltical career by jumping into the deep end of the pool before you know how to dog paddle.
Posted by
James H
3/31/2011 11:11:00 AM
Labels: democrats, GOP, Jindal, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
LA Lakers Gets High Profile Two Catholic Visitors and Blessings (VIDS TOO)
This is really cool. See In Laker Nation, The Work Takes The Court
Posted by
James H
3/31/2011 08:15:00 AM
Labels: United State Catholics
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ann Rice Says Catholic Church Is Like the Mafia
I pray for Ann Rice. I think much of this has nothing to do with the tragic sex abuse scandal. See Anne Rice likens Catholic Church to the Mafia; says Church is "one of the biggest criminal organizations in the world"
Posted by
James H
3/30/2011 07:36:00 PM
Labels: Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse
Throwing Some Needed Cold Water On Earliest Christian Writing Find
We have seen so many hoaxes that yeah no need to get our hopes up . Get Religion has Earliest Christian writing ever?
Posted by
James H
3/30/2011 06:47:00 PM
Labels: Catholic
Father Barron Engages Rod Bell's Argument On Hell
I am having problems with formatting and now EMBEDING youtube videos on the blog today for some reason. However go here to watch Father Barron's great vid. I would say that people can differ , according to acceptable Catholic Teaching, on how "reasonable" that hope is that all people will be saved. The Saints and even the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at places like Fatima seem to indicate that hell is not empty.
Posted by
James H
3/30/2011 02:41:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, last things, Protestant
Louisiana Democrats See the Light On Voting Rights Act But Blame Racist Jindal!!
I am not sure why I having formatting problems so forgive the appearance of one long paragraph again Oh the irony!! I have long talked about the real problems of parts of the 1965 Voting Civil Rights Act that just the Southern States are under for the most part. To be more specific I have talked about the political evils of section 5 of that act and preclearance by the Justice Department. This was recently revisited by the Supreme Court in the case Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 v. Holder. The conservative Justices (especially Scalia) hinted at these problems but that was ignored. In deference to Congress despite the misgivings of the "conservative Justices " all of the Justices except for Justice Thomas voted to allow this to continue. It appears in some Louisiana democrats are now screaming foul. See OPPOSE Louisiana Apartheid! OPPOSE LA Senate Bill 27 . This blogger helpfully links us to another blog that tells us "of Governor Bobby Jindal’s racist political maneuverings " at Redistricting and Louisiana Apartheid" Oh dear -racist? Mr Stagg seems to put all the evils on Republicans here. Well that is just insane. He mentions the NAACP talking about the problems with this recently at Southern. Well it seems there is a big disconnect somewhere between what the NAACP Lawyer was saying at Southern and what the lead council for the NAACP was saying in front of the Supreme Court recently in the case I linked. In fact where is the NAACP now in Louisiana as this is happening. What is happening is a deal. That the Legislature gets more black faces while Republican leaning districts are made much more safe by packing every black person they can find into a minority district. Though I am a Republican and it favored my party I always opposed this because it was bad civics to put it bluntly. I also have made the point that in reality this has a bigger effect of diluting black voting power on the whole. The fact is this. These parts of the Voting Rights Act might has well be called the PROTECT THE INCUMBENT ACT whether that person is a white Republican or a black democrat. It's not racism but just pure poltical self interest. The fact that hardly not one current Louisiana black politico is speaking out is telling of . The white elected elected democrat is about to become extinct in Louisiana because well these sections of the Voting Rights act (by that informal agreement that no one talks about) pretty much works again having diverse populations and thus hinders coalition voting. All this was done and is now done in the name of racial equality and fairness. There is blame to go around on this no doubt and that balme can be spread equally among all. The problem is that even when the problem is recognized there cannot be the honesty of not attaching all the "evil" motives to just one party. The problem and discussion on this if to to be fixed will not happen as long as that continues.
Posted by
James H
3/30/2011 01:01:00 PM
A Lurid Anti Catholic Book Was America's # 1 Best Seller In 1800's
until the famous Uncle Tom's Cabin replaced it. Elektratig has a great excerpt from this nonsense at Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery.
It is really incredible this stuff could be believed but I guess it was.
Posted by
James H
3/30/2011 10:59:00 AM
Labels: anti catholicism, United State Catholics, United States Catholic History
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Methodist That Flew Pope John Paul the II
The Catholic Key blog has a great intimate story from this pilot.
Posted by
James H
3/29/2011 02:43:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, John Paul II, Saints
Hurricane Damage Causes Louisiana Catholic Church To Look More Catholic
I like I like. There is not many blessings after Hurricanes but after looking at these before and after pictures this is one!! See Renovation: St. Peter the Apostle, Louisiana
Posted by
James H
3/29/2011 12:44:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, Diocese of Lake Charles, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
The Reverse American Black Migration
This has been happening for some time now. The latest Census data really confirms it.
Posted by
James H
3/29/2011 12:31:00 PM
Episcopal Bishop Levi Ives -Unofficial Saint of the American Anglican Ordinariate?
UPDATE- I messed up the formatting here so hence for some reason I cannot break this up in paragraphs. So please overlook that. I ran across an very interesting short book that is divided online into chapter over the weekend. See The Church in the Confederate States -A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. Some of the issues talked about there are relevant to the current day and in which I touch on later. However in one of the chapters there was a passing reference to a Pre-Civil North Carolina Episcopal Church Bishop that was very affected by the Oxford Movement. He was Bishop Levi Silliman Ives. He later was a high profile Catholic Convert confirmed by the Pope Himself!! The Catholic Encyclopedia has a rather short entry on him here. I noted when doing research on him that one has to hit a few sources to learn of the life long impact of this interesting man. Bishop Ives was a born into poverty. His early life is instructive both as to his move into the Episcopal Church and how this early poverty affected him both as Episcopal Bishop and in a huge way as life as a Catholic layman. He later married into Episcopal Church "royalty" by marrying the daughter of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, bishop of New York. It should be noted also his brother in law was also Rev. John Henry Hobart, Jr., who in 1841 had been one of the founding members of a monastic like mission in Wisconsin that later evolved into the famed Nashotah House. After a series of posts he was elected Bishop of North Carolina. North Carolina at this time had no Roman Catholic presence to speak of to say the least. However the early Bishops of this young Diocese had been of the Anglican High Church faction. When he became Bishop of North Carolina he raised quite a ruckus nationwide by founding by in Valle Crucis ,North Carolina a Anglican religious community, called the "Brotherhood of the Holy Cross". The members, a few clergymen and zealous laymen, observed a community rule and went about preaching Tractarian ideas. There is a very interesting pdf file on the history of that Community here. See Anglo-Catholicism in Antebellum North Carolina: Levi Silliman Ives and the Society of the Holy Cross Levi Silliman Ives and the Society of the Holy Cross . There was to say the least nationwide Episcopal fallout. Bishop Ives had many qualities. However playing the needed political game in introducing this strong Anglo Catholic thought and practice into the very young Protestant Episcopal Church of America perhaps was perhaps not in his strong suite. Regardless after the controversy he took a leave of absence. He ended up in Rome where he was confirmed to the Catholic Faith by the Pope. This contributed to a great deal of controversy in the USA. In fact in Episcopal circles issues of his sanity were brought up. His wife later converted and he ended up in New York teaching at a Catholic University. The move from the security of Bishop and all that came with it to "just" Catholic layman was a frightening one for him. That anxiety is very understandable. Which moves us to the second part of the story. The American Spectator has a good article on at America' Forgotten Newman? In that article is a link that describes one of the greatest achievement in his for for the Church and as society as a whole. See Once We Knew How to Rescue Poor Kids . He basically oversaw the early efforts of what was called the New York Catholic Protectory for delinquent boys. It successful Mission was that it saved about 100,000 Irish Catholic boys that were nothing were hoodlums causing a real public crisis on the Streets of New York. There are lesson in that story about how we should tackle the family breakdown we see today that is very similar to what happened them. For Bishops, Priest, Deacons and laypeople that are moving into the new Anglo Catholic Ordinariate this can come with much understandable regret and be a little frightening. Hopefully someone like Ives even in this day can give them comfort as to God's plan for them. If I was one of these people thought while Ives is not an official "Saint" of the Church , I would think there is no harm asking him to pray for you. It might be a good idea.
Posted by
James H
3/29/2011 10:20:00 AM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism, converts, Ordinariate, THE SOUTH, United State Catholics
Monday, March 28, 2011
Had Massive Oral Surgery Today
Trying to sit just very still as await the what is perhaps the inevitable painful dry sockets :( .
I will be posting later this evening on some cool stuff found out about( if no pain :) )
Posted by
James H
3/28/2011 04:39:00 PM
Labels: It's me
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Archbishop Gets His Head Examined By Scientists
Not the current occupant though. See Archbishop’s head examined: The Church of England Newspaper, March 25, 2011 p 6.
Posted by
James H
3/27/2011 04:15:00 PM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism, Catholic
When A Beggar heard Pope John Paul the II 's Confession
Posted by
James H
3/27/2011 01:22:00 PM
Labels: confession, John Paul II, lent, sacraments
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Spare the Rod Spoil the Child and the Archbishop of New Orleans ( Massive March on Archdiocese Office)
Like around 500 according to the article.!! See Hundreds march on archDiocese office to support St. Augustine paddling policy
Posted by
James H
3/26/2011 11:49:00 AM
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, Catholic, Louisiana Catholic
Yes Islam Is Protected By the First Amendment
I truly do not understand that a MINORITY yet vocal group of Christians on this issue. As Christianity is under attack in the public square they need to be careful about setting up unhelpful precedent in court cases.
Posted by
James H
3/26/2011 11:37:00 AM
Labels: catholic social justice, Islam
Friday, March 25, 2011
I Would Be In Jail If I Was A Mormon- BYU and New Orleans
I think if I was a Mormon and after hearing 20 years of jokes, ribbing, and silly caricatures , I think I would be in jail for assault on someone. If I was Mormon in New Orleans this week I might be there for murder.
The BYU Basketball team story irked me because two "oddities" can together. That is "sinful" New Orleans and the fan of the BYU Basketball team. Get Religion looked at a Washington Post article BYU fans love New Orleans (really)
I agree with this comment from NOLA girl:
FWIW, I don’t usually drink coffee (I’m not Mormon, I just don’t like it) and I’m a New Orleans native. I still eat beignets occasionally, and the city hasn’t kicked me out yet! Cafe du Monde is overrated anyway. I hope our BYU visitors find the better beignet shops outside of the French Quarter.
All in all, I found this story rather patronizing — not only to BYU fans, but also to New Orleans. Gasp! Look at these weird religious folks! Look at Bourbon Street! (As if there’s nothing in the New Orleans area besides Bourbon Street…) The New Orleans Times-Picayune thankfully hasn’t published any stories with the look-at-the-weird-religious-folks storyline of this WashPost story.
New Orleans is a partying place but New Orleans is a lot more than just a few street of the quarter. I like that and engage that on occasion. However there is also Art, History FOOD (Mormons do eat don't they), Music , etc etc.
There are a lot Mormons in Nevada!! I suspect there are far worse things in VEGAS and much more than New Orleans . Thank goodness the Mormon guy interviewed let people in on the secret that New Orleans is a great place to raise a family.
Anyway that is my soapbox.
Posted by
James H
3/25/2011 03:30:00 PM
Labels: Mormons, New Orleans
The Annunciation More Than Eating Steak On Friday
See from The Practicing Catholic a very good post Turning Mary’s “Yes” Into a Pork Chop on a Stick?
The Anchoress has Annunciation; Restoration Calls – UPDATED with a ton of Links!!
Posted by
James H
3/25/2011 02:15:00 PM
Labels: Virgin Mary
Arizona Would Lose 49 Billion Dollars If All the Illegals Vanished
According to some report.
Now I don't have the report in front of me but I could see numbers like that. If you think of this from a pure economist point of view it fits.
Posted by
James H
3/25/2011 10:57:00 AM
Labels: immigration
The Different Religious Influences on Handel
Books and Culture has a great article on this at The Handel Revolution A great composer reconceived.
Posted by
James H
3/25/2011 09:02:00 AM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism, Catholic, Protestant
Washington D.C Now Just Barely A Black Majority City
Some thoughts at the Corner on this at Chocolate City No More.
The Census data is show nationwide a pretty big migration of blacks from the City to the burbs so that plays a factor here too.
Posted by
James H
3/25/2011 08:55:00 AM
Labels: odd and ends
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A very Impressive Herman Cain Video
Quite effective and appealing. See
Herman Cain Video: ‘The Water Tastes The Same’
Posted by
James H
3/24/2011 02:08:00 PM
Archaeologists Increase Texan Arrogance Ten Fold
They will be even moe unbearable!! See Texas scientists say first Americans lived in state 15,500 years ago
Posted by
James H
3/24/2011 01:10:00 PM
Labels: odd and ends
From Russia With Love- Catholic / Russian Orthodox Alliance
Interesting news here. See Russian Orthodox leadership proposes alliance with Catholics. Also in this interview with the new Papal Nunico to Great Britain the topic is engaged.
Here is an interesting American twist. It appears the Orthodox Church of America , that has very Russian roots, is also on the move in the public square.
Posted by
James H
3/24/2011 12:48:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, Orthodox
Being A Political Activist and A Christian
While Lopez is ftom the "conservative" side, I have to think that even those Christians that disagree with her would see this this as an excellent piece. See
Was Jesus a political activist?
Posted by
James H
3/24/2011 12:27:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, United State Catholics
Islamic Law and the Florida Judge - A False Controversy?
I very much suspect it is andthe Judge seems to be operating properly here.
As a general matter Courts try to avoid Church property disputes and leadership question for very good obvious reasons.
“First Amendment values are plainly jeopardized when church property litigation is
made to turn on the resolution by civil courts of controversies over religious doctrine
and practice. If civil courts undertake to resolve such controversies in order to
adjudicate the property dispute, the hazards are ever present of inhibiting the free
development of religious doctrine and of implicating secular interests in matters of
purely ecclesiastical concern.”
Serbian E. Orthodox Diocese v. Milivojevich, 426 U.S. 696, 709-10 (1976); see also Watson
v. Jones, 80 U.S. 679, 728-29 (1872).
For a review of cases that deal with this a very recent case dealing with Episcopal Church Property disputes describes the two tests Courts are allowed to use . See Masterson v. The Diocese of Northwest Texas for that
Posted by
James H
3/24/2011 11:46:00 AM
Labels: Islam, Supreme Court
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Do Catholic Priests And Deacons Need To Form An Union To Get Lawsuit Insurance
It does appear sadly that both Catholic Priests and Deacons for their own protection might have to find a way to pool their resources together for this purpose.
A married Catholic Priest from South Carolina explains why here. He does not talk about a Union of Federation but because of expense issues I can't see another option. It pains me to say this but I think this is where we are heading. Since Priests and even Married Deacons don't make a ton of money it seems some federation or Union would have to be done too pool resources.
I am not sure how this would operate and it is problematic on many levels. But what is the alternative.
Posted by
James H
3/23/2011 09:05:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse, United State Catholics
Mother Angelica Near Death (Well Maybe Not)
Talk about a woman that really had a impact!! I am seeing EWTN related people tweet about how the end is very near. This will be rather a big deal to say the least.
I saw someone that I at times seemed very close to the EWTN family tweet the end seemed near. Well EWTN says:
Posted by
James H
3/23/2011 02:44:00 PM
Pope Needs To Resign Blah Blah Sexual Nature Is Bio-Diverse Reality
First it is amazing these people stay Catholic.
Second it is amazing anyone pays attentions to them.
Third it is amazing they can scratches out living writing such stuff.
See Fishwrap wants Pope Benedict to resign, the Church to change moral teachings
Posted by
James H
3/23/2011 02:38:00 PM
Labels: wacko catholics
Good News - Jindal Will Lobby For North Louisiana Plan in Congressional Redistricting
Which as I pointed out yesterday is essential in my view as to the protection of the States two major military bases!! I would actually call these West and East Louisiana Districts which is more apt.
From Bayou Buzz:
Jindal Backs 2 North Louisiana Districts
A quorum of the congressional delegation was at the state Capitol today to speak in support of maintaining two districts in North Louisiana. But the loudest voice came from Harrisonburg, where Gov. Bobby Jindal, after an appearance, said he would support and lobby for the plan filed by Sen. Robert Kostelka, R-Monroe. He said that six of seven congressmen (all but Jeff Landry) are in support of the north Louisiana plan and that is consensus enough for him.
In Kostelka’s bill, the Shreveport-based 4th District would extend as far south as Jefferson Davis Parish (Jennings) and the northern part of Acadia Parish. The 5th District would drop down to St. Martin Parish. The two districts would split Rapides Parish, which currently is wholly in Congressman Rodney Alexander’s 4th District. Most of Congressman Charles Boustany’s current 7th District, including Lake Charles and Lafayette, would be in a new 3rd District that would also include Congressman Jeff Landry’s home in New Iberia.
The 6th Congressional District would push east into northern Tangipahoa Parish and take in all of Washington Parish, and also move down the river to pick up white precincts in the current 3rd District. The minority-majority 2nd Congressional District would go into North Baton Rouge and Scotlandville to pick up about 110,000 residents.
Posted by
James H
3/23/2011 10:56:00 AM
Labels: 2012, Jindal, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
St Joseph's Favor Not Shining On Italian LSU Baseball Coaches
Despite all the St Joseph's Altars we had all over the State this weekend. First the heartbreaking sweep by Florida over the weekend compounded by last night's unfortunate events.
I am not in panic mode by any means. However this on the road series against Georgia (they lost to their in state rival last night rather badly too) this weekend is going to be critical. The team has got ot shake all this off.
Posted by
James H
3/23/2011 09:18:00 AM
Labels: LSU, lsu baseball, SEC
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A Louisiana Catholic Sister That Served Entire State Has Died - Sr Marie Mason MSC
This obit in the Shreveport Times caught my eye today of Sr Helen Marie Mason MSC.
I never knew her but I bet you dollars to donuts I have run across a lot of Catholic and Protestant women that were affected by her life (and most doing quite well by the way) through her work at St Vincent's Academy. That was just one of her many stops serving her Church and Lord.
A couple of things that caught me about this obit. First North Louisiana is not exactly a Catholic Mecca. Her parents are from towns that very much were not huge Catholic areas of the North Louisiana. So the seed of faith that would have such an impact on so many others was planted way earlier.
She entered the Daughters of the Holy Cross before World War II. She continued getting a fine education throughout her life so serve others.
She served over the State. She served countless people and was an example of Christ to many places in the Diocese of Alexandria (which later part the Diocese of Shreveport came out of ).
When people her age had long retired she was down in the Archdiocese of New Orleans working at the Holy Cross College and at De Le Salle High School . In the last few years of her life she went to Opelousas (Diocese of Lafayette) to the Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home. One suspects he kept busy there!!
I noticed on the Times Obit Guest Book page a few people have left some remarks.
Ah, Sweet Sister Helen Marie. I will always remember you. As a foolish freshman at SVA I was asked to wash some radishes in my Home Ec class. As you came over to check on my progess you were appalled that I was washing them in scalding hot water. You rescued the radishes by scooping them quickly out of the hot water and tossing them onto the counter. That did teach me something, even a vegetable deserves to be treated properly :). As just "one of those Carmody girl's" thank you for your faith and patience. You have surely earned your reward.
Anne Carmody Pugh SVA '84
Sr. Helen Marie, among those devoted and gentle guides we knew as teachers at our beloved St. Vincent's Academy, you were most sensitive and kind to all - even if you did religiously toss me out of religion class on my ear and send me downstairs to chapel!
I learned much from you. I went on to study at Loyola Institute of Ministry so that I could gain more knowledge for myself and in leadership of others. I know I would just not be half the person I am if not for you, the Daughters of the Cross, and all those in service to guide the rest of us in faith.
Thank you. Godspeed to you to share in the greatest love there is forever more.
One is struck by the life of this Sister even if you never met her. I can't help but to think at times Catholics of my age are really living off the work and Catholic patrimony that is the result of what Sr Helen Marie Mason and other like her did . I hope on our Judgment day we can tell the Lord that we did a tenth of what Sister Helen Marie did.
I guess also Helen Marie represents the last few (who knows maybe the last) of those Nuns of that Order that played such a critical role in the Louisiana Catholic Church in the 19th and 20th Century. Which sort of leaves me sad
Anyway RIP Sister, the Catholic Community as well as many others will recall you and hope to you again. I will keep your soul in my prayers during lent.
Here is her OBIT
Sr. Helen Marie
Mason, MSC
OPELOUSAS, LA - A Mass of the Resurrection will be held for Sr. Helen Marie Mason, MSC at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, in Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home Chapel in Opelousas. Burial will follow in St. Landry Cemetery, Opelousas, LA.
Sr. Helen Marie Mason, MSC (AKA Stella Josephine) was born March 2, 1919, in Shreveport, Louisiana. She died at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home on Saturday, March 19, 2011, at 9:30 AM, at the age of 92.
Devoted to her family, she was preceded in death by her father, Elijah Andrew Mason (Doyline, LA); and her mother, Annie Laurie Monk Mason (Homer, LA); her sisters, Annie Marie Mason Howard; and Peggy Ruth Elise Mason Crenshaw; and a brother, Patrick Norman Mason.
She is survived by her sister, Martha Lee Mason; and a brother, Wilbert Winstorn Mason of Shreveport; and by nieces and nephews in Louisiana and Texas.
She entered the Daughters of the Cross in June 1940, pronounced her first vows in February 1943, and her perpetual vows August 13, 1946. She received her BS degree from Saint Vincent's College in Shreveport; a Masters in Education in 1950 from St. Louis University and a Masters in Home Economics Education from St. Louis University in 1960. During her years of active ministry she shared her knowledge, innate intelligence, and expertise in English and Literature, religion, Latin, and Home Economics at schools in Shreveport, Marksville, and Monroe, Louisiana and as the Director of the Home Economics Program at St. Louis University in Saint Louis, Missouri. She was also the principal and president of St. Vincent Academy in Shreveport, Louisiana. After transferring to the Marianites of Holy Cross in June 1997, she ministered in the Development Office at Our Lady of Holy Cross College and at De La Salle High School in New Orleans and was involved in various other roles in community service. In each of her ministries, she was devoted to the liturgical life of the Church and was involved in all the activities of the school and community. She moved to Opelousas in 2005 and continued her sewing and needle work projects while bringing her gentle and faith-filled presence to each person she encountered. On the feast of St. Joseph and surrounded by her Marianite Sisters, she peacefully entered into eternal life.
A Wake service will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM followed by the Mass of the Resurrection at 11:00 AM at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home Chapel in Opelousas.
In lieu of flowers, please make donations in memory of Sr. Helen Marie, MSC to the Marianites of Holy Cross, 1011 Gallier Street, New Orleans, LA., 70117.
Words of comfort to the family may be expressed at Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas (337) 948-6523.
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 05:41:00 PM
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, Catholic, diocese of Alexandria, diocese of Lafayette, Diocese of Shreveport, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
How American Civil War Battles Prepares Catholic Seminarians
This is pretty cool!! See Mount seminarians cull leadership lessons from Civil War authority
Sadly I cannot be a Seminarian but if the Diocese of Shreveport has a field trip to Vicksburg
and does this I would like to tag along :)
Tip of the Hat to Shreveport Vocations Page.
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 03:59:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, Civil War History, military, United State Catholics, vocations
Bishop Duca and St Joesph Altars In the Diocese Of Shreveport
I highlighted the New Orleans ones yesterday.
It happens in my Diocese too!! Here is a nice photo gallery.
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 03:25:00 PM
Labels: Diocese of Shreveport, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, Saints
Downed Pilot Given Flowers By Libyan Rebels
I have not talked about this much but I support what we are doing. I think we should have done this last week . Also I am not thrilled how helter skelter this all seems but regardless. A great story here.
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 03:00:00 PM
Labels: military
The Real Reason Why Redistricting In Louisiana Is A Mess!!
I think all sides can agree on this. See Redistricting: Is Anyone Asking How we Can Avoid This Mess Again?
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 02:38:00 PM
Labels: louisiana, Louisiana Politics
Future of Louisiana Military Bases In Jeopardy By Louisiana Congressional Redistricting?
Well it appears Sen. Lydia Jackson of SHREVEPORT of all places just filed a bill including the north Louisiana I-20 District. Sen. Rob Marionneaux, D-Livonia of South Louisiana also just filed a bill. See above map.
This is a serious matter. The District held currently by Congressman Fleming has both Barksdale AFB and Fort Polk army base in one district .
THIS MUST BE MAINTAINED!! This pretty much guarantees even a young Congressman from this district a slot on the very important and powerful House Armed Services Committee.
In the age of future budget cuts that will include defense why are putting that in jeopardy by separating Barksdale AFB and Fort Polk from each other. THIS IS MADNESS!!
Posted by
James H
3/22/2011 11:20:00 AM
Labels: 2012, louisiana, Louisiana Politics, military
Monday, March 21, 2011
Louisiana Baptists Have Lots of Gas - Do Catholics? Haynesville Shale
Note to Catholics in the Diocese of Shreveport , Diocese of Alexandria and even the Diocese of Tyler Texas . If you have been "blessed" pass it around!!
See Rural church's windfall plowed into missions
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 04:26:00 PM
Labels: Baptist, Catholic, diocese of Alexandria, Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana Catholic
Confirmation of the Episcopal Church USA's All Out Litigation Plan Against Dissent
I am going to hopefully do a post on two legal cases out of the Texas dealing with the Episcopal Church. The main purpose is because it appears some legal precedent might be set in that jurisdiction that could affect a lot more than Episcopalians.
However from California we have an interesting piece of news. See The Object All Sublime .
Now as I have said before I understand what the current leadership at the TEC is doing. They want to resist any sort of alternative Episcopal Church jurisdiction being established. If this was the Catholic Church heck I would be hoping we were doing the same thing.
The problem and the huge question is if the United States Episcopal Church was ever meant to be anything like the Catholic Church.
That is :
Are they a voluntary association of Episcopal Church Dioceses headed by their Bishops that form the National Episcopal Church and General Convention?
To be a valid Episcopalian and linked with the entire Anglican communion must one's Bishop be in communion with head Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America that represents the General Convention?
In other words a lot of this boils down to if the current Presiding Bishop of the TEC is more like Pope Benedict (or a Eastern Church Patriarch ) or on the flip side more like Archbishop Dolan of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. That is the question the property and power seems to being revolving around. Is the TEC like the Vatican /SEE of ROME , or is more like the Southern Baptist Convention to put it another way.
Now again I get why the Episcopal Church is doing this plan of action. However it is mighty expensive. It is also clear that in the end if the TEC is successful much of this property will be sold to non Anglicans or be the location of a new Target Store. That's fine. But where is the secular media in all this? Is not this rather aggressive and very expensive legal battle sort of a big story?
Where is NEWSWEEK!! which appears to have been the unofficial organ of the TEC for many matters. Do they approve of this or is talking about this dirty litigation business in public seen as bad form. Better to talk about the various Catholic litigation issues and Bishops and Hospitals perhaps.
This story gets some coverage but with the amount of litigation going on nationwide it seems light to me.
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 12:55:00 PM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism, Catholic
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir On His Aggressive Interview With Rod Bell
Get Religion has a good post on an surprising aggressive interview with Rod Bell and his new book on Hell (or the lack thereof of anyone going there). See A palatable, comfortable Christianity?
I would very much suggest listening to the PODCAST where Bashir is interviewed.
This has caught my eye for several reasons. First we have a mainstream secular journalist that actually seems to get Religion. A person that is not asking the popular softball questions.
He did his research!
As he mentions the issue here is truth telling and that is essential to good journalism.
Now one can have a debate if he was too aggressive. However it is refreshing that Bell is being pushed on his scholarship. Too me the scholarship is the issue here.
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 11:19:00 AM
Labels: Latin Mass, Protestant
Bishop of Knoxville Tennessee- Not All Employee Unions Are The Same
Well this LSU fan will sing Rocky Top to that!! See his thoughts at The Gospel of work .
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 10:33:00 AM
Labels: Catholic, catholic social justice, United State Catholics
Television Ad Tries To Make Louisiana Congressional Redistricting A North Versus South Issue
MAJOR UPDATE- Future of Louisiana Military Bases In Jeopardy By Louisiana Congressional Redistricting?
The Hayride has the scoop on who is behind this ad.
We had a thankfully only a very a brief encounter with this one North Louisiana massive District and it was largely unworkable. That is because the interest of the Northwest /Western and Northeast /Easter Louisiana are different.
One is the most heavy Agricultural District in the State. The Fleming District is not so focused on Ag issues.
One has the States two military bases. The other has no military presence.
The Fleming District has pretty much remained the same 30 years if not longer. The North West Louisana/ Western Louisiana district fits together.
Trying to put the current Fleming District with Northeast and Eastern Louisiana delta concerns is like oil and water .
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 09:57:00 AM
Labels: democrats, GOP, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
That Was Disappointing- Florida Sweeps LSU Baseball
In front of records crowds at that in Baton Rouge!! While it is easy to see moral victories in the first two losses of the series (game 1 - 4 to 3 Game 2 1 to 0) that is not so easy in the last loss.
Still the season is very very early and Florida is perhaps the best team we shall see all season.
From the Advocate see that we might be changing the lineup. Also see Florida series raises questions for Tigers and Reality check.
Posted by
James H
3/21/2011 09:06:00 AM
Labels: college baseball, LSU, lsu baseball, SEC
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A Diverse Discussion on Human Sexuality? Catholic Colleges At It Again
This is getting some attention
More Than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church is an unprecedented collaboration — 2 Roman Catholic universities and 2 non-denominational divinity schools are coming together to change the conversation about sexual diversity and the Catholic Church.
For too long, the conversation on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in the Roman Catholic Church has been only a monologue — the sole voice being heard is that of the institutional Catholic Church. We must engage in more than a monologue by having a 21st century conversation on sexual diversity, with new and different voices heard from.
This series will show the variety of viewpoints on issues of sexual diversity among Catholics. Each event has a unique focus, and as a whole they will lift up new voices that are rarely heard and raise awareness about the impact of church teachings and public stances of the lives of LGBT people. The goal is to encourage more vigorous, honest, and open debate about sexual diversity within and outside the Catholic Church.
The four events in 2011 are:.......
Oh boy!! At Mirrors of Justice there is good post that pretty much calls BS on all this.
.....The organizers of this program also claim that “This series will show the variety of viewpoints on issues of sexual diversity among Catholics.” As just pointed out, they also claim that “the sole voice being heard is that of the institutional Catholic Church.”
I wonder if this is an accurate description of the program and the situation which its organizers describe. First of all, many of the currently advertised speakers are well known for their views on human sexuality and their criticism of or disagreement with Catholic teachings. I cannot see how they contend that “the sole voice being heard is that of the institutional Catholic Church.” Moreover, the modifier “institutional” in describing the Catholic Church is problematic. In the hope that there is more to this program than is currently advertised, I realize that there may be other speakers not listed on the web site who may very well explain the Church’s position on these neuralgic issues and why she teaches what she teaches. However, the diverse voices that are currently billed on the website are not really known for supporting the Church’s teachings on human sexuality, yet, as I have stated, their views and their works are well known and well publicized. It is a misrepresentation to imply that their voices are not heard on these critical issues since the only voice heard is that of “the institutional Catholic Church.”
If the organizers of “More than a Monologue” intend on presenting more than a monologue, I look forward to hearing about who will be the speakers scheduled to explain with fidelity the “what” and the “why” of the Church’s teachings. As the program is currently structured, I do not see this being any part of their offer. If I may borrow from Clara Peller, where’s the debate? Is it conceivable that the sponsors are more interested in convincing the audiences that the Church’s teachings are wrong and their challenges are correct? If so, a monologue will suit the cause.
It really takes a lot of gumption to make the claim that the organizers of this conference are making because it's so false. Despite numerous complaints many at our our leading Catholic colleges are in the Church's face in opposition to the traditional teaching. This has been happening now for decades and has been widespread.
Such widely read Catholic publications such as U.S. Catholic and NCR have for now decades have been an outlet for those that oppose the Churches view.
The major secular publications and Newspapers , such as the NYT and Newsweek to name just two, have given wide coverage to Catholic dissidents on this matter.
Catholic Religious that teach in the schools , are in campus ministry, do retreat centers have for the most part been not that shy about hiding their opposition to the Catholic teaching on the matter.
I saw this in my own personal experience in campus ministry in Louisiana during the 80's and 90's. Though a conservative state Catholic Religious and other Campus ministers were quite aggressive in trying to promote an alternative view toward the Church's teaching.
It is only with the generation of John Paul the II Priests , religious , and indeed active lay people that we are now seeing at least some balance in this debate.
Strangely it took another printing press like revolution , the Internet, for the Church's official teaching to get heard and to get a hearing. The internet broke up the monopoly that many "progressive" Catholic periodicals had as to this issue.
No matter what side you are on in this debate it is pretty insane to view recent history as those at this conference seem to do.
Posted by
James H
3/20/2011 01:34:00 PM
Sicilian Traditions in Louisiana And St Joseph Altars
This is a rather big deal in all parts of Louisiana that has any significant Italian and Sicilian population.
The wonderful blog Virtual St Joesph Altar looks at an article that appeared in the Lake Charles paper. See Louisiana's Sicilian heritage.
The author of that article also blogs at Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks .
Posted by
James H
3/20/2011 11:48:00 AM
Labels: Diocese of Lake Charles, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
Friday, March 18, 2011
An Important Episcopal Church Property Case From Texas -
I have an interest in both the fights over property in the Episcopal Church and really the matter Church property litigation as a whole. So the case is interesting. As you can see it is a victory for the Episcopal Diocese and the National Church.
I want to read the case again in detail before I comment on how much a victory this is for the The Episcopal Church USA. I think the Diocese actually had a strong case here and should have prevailed like it did.
I am not sure untill I re read the opinion what this means if lets say a DIOCESE itself in Texas wanted to leave the TEC. Does the court opinion tend to hold that all property is held in trust for the national Church if such a thing happened. I am not sure which is one reason I want to look at this case in more detail.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 04:49:00 PM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism
Texas A & M Catholic Aggies In Louisiana on Spring Break Mission Trips
And many other places this week. See Aggie Tradition Of Spending Spring Break Focusing On Service Is Growing
Still another group will continue with an ongoing project in New Orleans where they are rebuilding hurricane damaged homes. Members of the Aggie Catholic student organization will also be in New Orleans helping a group called “Beacon of Hope,” an organization that encourages rebuilding, fosters repopulation and provides information and resources to rebuild damaged homes. They aren’t the only groups working to rebuild; a group of Aggie Greeks will pay their way to Slidell, La. to work on projects there.
Beacons of Hope Web site can be seen here.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 02:32:00 PM
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
Over 1900 People To Enter Catholic Church in Northern Georgia
I am going to hit on the RCIA numbers we are seeing thoughout the country the the coming weeks.
I am always interesting in what the Archdiocese of Altanta because whatever they are doing it needs to be duplicated it seems. From Cathlanta there a story out that is well worth reading. See
Family Of Five Among 1,900 ‘Joyfully’ Received At Rite
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 02:21:00 PM
Threatened Wisconsin Law Prof Urges Young People To Think Before Typing
Ann Althouse is one of the big blogs that has been front and center on reporting what is going on in Wisconsin lately. For that she has got some nasty threats. See
Union thuggery against Althouse and Meade: "We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go."
See also an update post at "Ann Althouse and Meade advocate torture, attack against nonviolent protesters, police-state crackdowns on citizens exercising their constitutional rights..." and "Exclusive Interview With Jim Shankman, the Man Behind the Ann Althouse Threat."
Ann had another post I think should be read by people on both the left and right in this social media age. See I really do feel sorry for these young people who screw up their internet reputation
People, take a lesson from what you've seen on this blog in the last month. There have been 2 incidents of young men — relatively young men — writing on the internet, threatening me. If I post about it, even if I don't put their names in the post, but it comes out in the comments, anyone Googling their names is going to stumble into the ugly thing they wrote. Even if you have no human kindness at all and care only about yourself, how can a moment of passion be worth all the damage you do to your reputation? Do you think a potential employer who reads something like what we discussed here and here would consider hiring you? You may think you are really just a harmless guy with "good politics," having some fun, and you may not care at all whether you scare me or not, but you are hurting yourself. Out of self-interest alone, you need to stop.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 01:48:00 PM
Labels: politics
Is The Crystal Cathedral Going The Route of Pope Benedict Affirmative Orthodoxy ( Choir Controversy)
Get Religion has another post on the news coverage of this Choir controversy at
More than a sex covenant?
This part caught my eye:
In the comments section of my original post, someone named tmatt called attention to an element of this news story that I neglected:
I think one other point must be stressed.
The Crystal Cathedral has long been known as a pioneer of a kind of vague, foggy, optimistic, post-doctrinal approach to Christianity. … Many critics of the church have — over the decades —It appears that, facing decline and struggle, the congregation’s leaders have decided to veer back toward Christian doctrine, as defined by most Christians through the ages.
That’s an interesting story. Maybe it could be covered?
considered this bad and an open door to trouble.
Indeed! In the media , both secular and religious, and elsewhere there are two viewpoints. One that Churches must "update" and get with modern views on such things as various issues relating to sexuality and other items. This view seems to be the one that is assumed to be correct by lets say the folks at the NYT op-ed page.
The other view is perhaps where the Crystal Cathedral is heading. That the Church in order to grow and healthy must get back to the traditional basics. Those doctrinal basics may be a lot more than just sex. I fully expect Crystal Cathedral to continue to espouse "positive" Christianity. That is sort of it niche and I don't see that going away. However it appears DOCTRINE will not be sacrificed or ignored.
In essence could we be seeing them going into the Pope Benedict's Affirmative Orthodoxy mode. Affirmative Orthodoxy with a rather "Reformed" twist perhaps.
Regardless if it is "Affirmative Orthodoxy" or not it appears they have decided to make some changes.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 12:48:00 PM
Labels: Protestant
Bring on the Florida Gators- New 2011 LSU Baseball Game Into Vid Premieres Tonight
I LIKE!! Glad this is premiering tonight with such a big series. I expect attendance records to be broken this weekend. I am already hearing it has feel of a football game down there.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 12:32:00 PM
Labels: LSU, lsu baseball, SEC
Who Is really "Obsessed" With Gay Rights and Abortion In The Culture Wars.
See Are Christians Obsessed With Gays and Abortion? and also Robert George's good thoughts via Mirror of Justice Obsession? Whose?
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 12:22:00 PM
Labels: abortion. pro life, Catholic, catholic social justice, Protestant
Vatican Gets A Big Victory In Italian / European Crucifix Case
John Allen has the story at Big win for the Vatican in European crucifix case
Here is the text of the opinion. I have an interest in this also from a comparative law standpoint so after I read the opinion I shall try to comment again
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 12:14:00 PM
Labels: Catholic, catholic social justice, Eastern Europe, eucharist, vatican
Lou Dobbs Still An Idiot- Resents St Patrick's Day
Well the guy that seems to buy into population control, protectionism, and various other oddities is speaking out. This time on St Patrick's day and even Columbus Day.
I will await to hear from Lou Dobbs if such things as Mary Days in Missouri and St Joseph altars gets his approval.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 10:44:00 AM
Labels: Catholic, immigration
North Louisiana Fights To Keep Their Two Congressional District Despite Rep Gallot.
The Picayune has a story up at Chairman Gallot presents three plans for congressional reapportionment
This caught my eye
Gallot said Thursday he has not discussed his maps with members of Congress or Kostelka, noting that Alexander and his colleagues have been talking with Kostelka. Gallot said he instead based his plans on input from civic leaders and voters who attended a series of public forums around the state. Local leaders in Monroe and Shreveport, he said, expressed common interests and economic development that merit being joined in one district instead of two, as they are now.
UMMM who are those local leaders in Monroe and Shreveport he is talking about? I am under the impression that hardly no one wants to return to the brief encounter we had with a vast North Louisiana district that we saw in the early 90's. (The combined at that time
McCrery /Huckaby Districts.)
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 10:24:00 AM
Labels: louisiana, Louisiana Politics
Arizona Legislature Comes To It's Senses? Major Immigration Related Bills Die
I am pleasantly relived and surprised. See Ariz. Senate rejects illegal immigration bills . The views of people in AZ on this difficult issue are a lot more complex than they appear. One can see this in the politicos that they elect.
Still with their rather bizarre Senator President, who I think is an attention whore, I had no idea what would happen. However with reason even some of the more conservative people on this issue seem to have had problems with some of this laws. In fact I have noticed that a lot of conservatives nationwide seem to have been putting distance between themselves and the AZ legislature as to some of these bills.
The main problematic bills that got voted down were two measures intended to force a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against automatic citizenship for U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants.
This is the problem. An AZ legislator takes an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Now you might think that birthright citizenship is nonsense is nonsense and should be changed. You might think the 14th amendment does not allow birthright citizenship.
However the problem is in my view that looking at the 14th, its history, and the debate around it that it does in fact does have birthright citizenship. I have a hard time thinking that many of those Legislators did not think likewise. I hope their Oath was part of the consideration on those that voted against it.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 10:03:00 AM
Labels: Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, immigration
Rod Dreher Talks About His Eastern Orthodox Faith and His Past Roman Catholicism
A good article by our Louisiana native in the Washington Post. Rod was a Methodist and then a Catholic , and now an Eastern Orthodox. He talks about that journey in the article for those not familiar with it. See
What’s so appealing about Orthodoxy?
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 09:59:00 AM
Meet A Louisiana U.S. Senator and Black Confederate General
Civil War Memory has A Black Confederate General That We Can All Embrace?
Of course one can debate if he was a black Confederate General. Under the "one drop" rule I suppose he was but as to society perhaps not.
This was perhaps more common than people think. In Louisiana there were rather different views on race than the rest of the deep South. Further even after the Jim Crow laws when racial policy went backward not forward in Louisiana there was still resistance to the one drop rule theory.
Also if your family got here early enough and either came or migrated through what is now known as North Carolina in the Colonial period there is a chance that "white" families might have a black ancestor. This was because during that period interracial marriage was not that uncommon. The authorities were more concerned about class not race.
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 09:18:00 AM
Labels: Civil War History, louisiana
Archbishop Dolan's Big 60 Minutes Interview Is this Sunday
A preview at
NY Archbishop: Sex scandal needs to haunt church and Archbishop Timothy Dolan dismisses suggestions he might become the first American Pope (Safe bet)
Posted by
James H
3/18/2011 09:12:00 AM
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse, United State Catholics
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Major Problems At Lousiana College ? Professor Speaks Out
This does not not sound good.
On a side note , if the mother ship is trouble then how likely is that new Law school they are planning in Shreveport ?
Posted by
James H
3/16/2011 07:55:00 PM
Yankee Does First Crawfish Boil!!
Posted by
James H
3/16/2011 02:13:00 PM
Labels: louisiana, New Orleans, THE SOUTH
United States Gets Another Bishop -Fr Thomas Daly
Pope Benedict has added Fr Thomas Daly as auxiliary of the Diocese of San Jose California. Whispers has a good bio on this growing Diocese and the man himself at For Silicon Valley, a San Fran Bishop.
Posted by
James H
3/16/2011 09:32:00 AM
Labels: United State Catholics, vatican
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Catholics Come Home Gives Invitiation HBO host Bill Maher
I don't get angry when people like Maher does this stuff like this as much as I used too. I realize they need healing now. See Catholics Come Home Founder Invites HBO Host "Home"
Posted by
James H
3/15/2011 07:24:00 PM
The Ethics of Secret Recordings
Contentions has a good post on this at The Ethics of Surreptitious Tapings. I largely agree with his call to perhaps have us think about what all sides are doing here. That is not a call of course to stop it by any means as to all situations. Get Religion also hits on the above piece here where they look at a contrary view.
However with social media the way it is I think this needs to be done as the exception not as the rule. Social media now allows everyone to be a reporter and thus no supervision asking the necessary questions and giving overview.
Let me add to his scenarios. It is true we all say things in public we would not want to be said in private. However in private we always have to interact with people that say disagreeable things and even offensive things.
I suppose there are people that when this occurs they will then immediately reprimand person x to their face.
However I think many of us though uncomfortable go into the "lets be nice mode" .We often try to humor the person in hopes of getting off the subject. For instance "oh yeah I know what you mean" and then you try to move on.
I can think of many times when I had to engage in a period of conversation with a person (a stranger often) where he was saying something objectionable as to race, sex, religion, or regarding sexual orientation. My default position , as OPINIONATED as I am , was not to go into a moralizing sermon.
We have these conversations all the time when you think about it. Couple that with the human want to "please" people and a recording of that without context shown to millions seems a tad unjust and unfair. Add a dose of major temptation and well....
I am in the same boat with the writer when he says "I don’t pretend to know where the line should be drawn between responsible investigative journalism on the one hand and irresponsible entrapment on the other.". However there is ethics here that need to examined more in this new age.
Posted by
James H
3/15/2011 04:05:00 PM
Labels: odd and ends, politics
Glenn Beck and Toyko Governor The Same On God and Earthquakes?
Glenn Beck sort of through out a passing reference to God, judgment, and the recent tragedy in Japan last night on his show. I had heard it about it earlier yesterday so I stayed up last night to watch the rebroadcast. Something I rarely do since I am not really a Beck fan.
I thought it was a lot to do about nothing really. I do understand that we should not be jumping the gun and attributing all natural disasters to God, scripture , or prophecy. etc.
Though I have to admit I have mentioned to people the messages of Our Lady of Akita which I have caught my eye. Scripture and prophecy tell us to be aware of the signs of the time that we often MAY see played out these things. That does not mean of course everything can or should be attributed to God's wrath, warning, or punshiment. However when something tramatic with a captial T happens people will observe it and discuss it no matter if some think the whole notion is looney.
So Beck basically is talking about what a lot of people are thinking. I am not sure we are well served by making that discussion taboo in the media. How does that help? Of course it goes without saying if Beck mentions scrpture or lets say a Catholic wants to brink up Akita well
of course they can expect to be challenged.
The very good Houston Chronicle religion blog (go there everyday if you live in Houston or not) has a good post on this at Glenn Beck on God's message behind the Japan earthquake. It appears from that link many Japanese including one high politico are thinking the same thing to some degree.
The question and discussion is out there here and in Japan it appears. It is part of the news story of how Japan and the world is processing all this.
Posted by
James H
3/15/2011 12:25:00 PM
Labels: odd and ends
New York Trial Judge Orders / Warns Against False Catholic Teaching
A very interesting court case out of New York is being discussed over at The Volokh Conspiracy
See Judge Warns Factfinders: Be Alert to “Groups or Persons Improperly Contesting the Authority of ... the Catholic Church’s Official Position or Its Doctrines”
I agree we are in all sort of murky waters here. However I do agree with the comments that it appears the Judge had come to the conclusion that the person here was an "Orthodox" Catholic and thus it was relevant to look into what "orthodox" Catholic doctrine was in this matter.
As this comment said:
James K says:
I read only the first few paragraphs of this case but it seems plain to me that the judge recognized that Mrs Zornow was a devout Catholic and she had uniformly followed the Church’s teachings throughout her life. The judge went on to ascertain those teachings and apply them to her as he believed she would have done if she could have spoken for herself.
Notwithstanding Prof Volokh’s selective comments regarding the expansive language that the judge used, there seems to be little indication that it is being applied to someone who was not 100% “with the program” (i.e., the Church’s teachings). In that regard, it is nothing like the Orthodox kosher case.
Also see this comment.
Anyway this is an interesting case.
ON A SIDE NOTE- To all these States that are passing these you cannot follow "consult foreign law" Amendments. If New York had one of these could the Judge have done what he did? The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is cited quite a big deal.
Posted by
James H
3/15/2011 11:57:00 AM
Labels: abortion. pro life, euthanasia
Saints Owner Rita Benson LeBlanc Versus Drew Brees

Saint's Quarterback Drew Brees had a few things to say about the NFL lock out. See Drew Brees On NFL Owners: 'No Real Intent To Get A Deal Done' .
Posted by
James H
3/15/2011 10:15:00 AM
Monday, March 14, 2011
Catholic Prepare to Hear About This Rod Bell Guy
This has been bubbling for weeks and about to go mainstream media. The Anchoress has a small piece on it here that sort of puts a Catholic spin on it. But Catholics should beware that Bell is going way beyond the proposal that non Christians can be saved!!
Expect Louisiana born and a Louisiana Tech Grad Denny Burk to be in the forefront of this issue in response.
He was mentioned in the very good USA Today article on this subject.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 05:24:00 PM
Labels: last things
Vice President Biden Gets His Ashes In Russia
In all Things has a rather cool story on Biden and Ash Wednesday. See V.P. Biden's Good Taste in Literature .
Now I have no comment on the book which might be good or bad. I have never read it. However the Ash Wednesday service and how the pro-life question was addressed is interesting and all things considering appropriate for that venue. IE The fact that it appears Biden is allowed to take communion in the Archdiocese of D.C. and he being in a foreign land. I am not sure how all that works. But it appears the Priest did well in this regard in bringing the subject up this way.
I do appreciate how Joe Biden thought it was important to do this not only for himself but for staff. I just hope his heart can be turned on other matters and that he engages issues within the whole Catholic Social Doctrine of the Church that are before us.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 12:09:00 PM
Labels: abortion. pro life, Catholic
“Good Christian B******” Coming to ABC ?
I have to got to think that the ABC executives are not so dense not to change the title of this show.
Now let me say I actually am intrigued by this plot line. Needless to say the show could bring up attitudes and actions that we Christians should not engage in and do. It could be challenging.
However I suspect the main themes would be some very political "hot" topics and we know how that would be framed. In other words I doubt the show would stick to sinful gossip and degrading of one's character.
So I am not holding out much hope for the content of the show itself
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 11:26:00 AM
Labels: media
Will Caroline Fayard Run Against Bobby Jindal For Governor ?
The progressive Daily Kingfish blog has a good post on a situation that all are watching. See Fayard for Governor?
Now in many ways the Kingfish I think sizes up the situation well. Also many many unpopular choices are going to have to be made this legislative session which will leave Jindal weakened.
But for democrats there is a risk here. Fayard's run just last year for LT Govenor was well timed. She managed to get glowing public attention while not being questioned to much on what she actually believed. Though she lost she got some future points in the bank.
However what if she loses in this run for Governor? How will she do in her first big under the microscope run for major office? To say the least the Louisiana Democrats bench for the future is very light!! Washington might like some face for the national news but is that good for Louisiana Democrats?
While it might please Washington , it might make more sense for Louisiana Democrats to have Fayard get her feet wet as to a lesser office that she very likely could win. That sets her up nicely for critical (and much more important ) races for the future.
I think Fayard might be a very worthy opponent to my GOP in the future. However if uncorked too soon she may go very flat if she loses two Statewide elections in a row. It does not help her that Bobby Jindal seems to have kept his North Louisiana support solid as well as other core groups of past supporters.
Fayard is not likely to get the pass she got the last time in a race for a position that quite frankly most Louisiana voters do not think about. It would seem to me that gaining the Sec of State position would allow her time to network and formulate a serious platform and coalition for a future run for Governor. That is at least what I would be thinking if I was her .
Regardless time is running out and if Fayard wants to have any chance to unseat Bobby Jindal she better make that choice soon.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 10:46:00 AM
Labels: democrats, GOP, Jindal, Louisiana Politics
All Hail King Obama- Maybe He Understands The Reality
The Anchoress had an interesting post at Ride on, King Obama! – UPDATED
I suspect that what Obama wanted was to be the King, not the President. The King’s role is largely ceremonial. In time of national tragedy the King goes before the camera and says, “this is very sad.” If he can assign blame on a perceived enemy he does so, and then he steps aside and retires to his amusements while those actually in charge clean up the mess and determine how to prevent future messes. Everyone loves the King, defers to the King, rushes to do for the King, but the King -who tends to get bored and distracted by the dry business of actually governing- is responsible for very little, and most are just as glad of it.
Read it all.
Now the interesting question is if the Obama King view of the world is actually how things work.
I often scold my fellow conservatives for being too concerned about term limits, what individual politcos get , and the size of Congressional staff. In fact I sometimes wonder if this creating a worse problem.
One blog I enjoy is Unqualified Reservations . I have an uneasy feeling that what he says in his post from 2008 Sarah Palin: the proletarian candidate is how it might really work. It's worth quoting this part in length:
..........You see, the so-called "Democrats" (whom, here at UR, we call the Inner Party) and their purported opposition, the supposed "Republicans" (or Outer Party) have completely different beliefs about the nature, purpose, and function of the office known as the "Presidency," for which they appear to contend. As usual, the IP is right and the OP is wrong.
To the IP (obviously, also the Eloi-Morlock Party), the so-called "President," ie, the player whom callers help select in USG's quadrennial reality show, is hardly a temporal position at all. It is really more of a spiritual office. The Roman pontifex maximus is a fine analogy. I also admire the phrase "bully pulpit," which I feel could be used a good bit more.
For the IP, for example, the ideal "President" would be Nelson Mandela. But there are obstacles - St. Mandela, for instance, is not an American citizen. At least not in the strict technical sense of the law. Fortunately, our evolving standards of justice may at some point in the future, when we are more spiritually advanced, enable us to overcome this barbarous discrimination. When Archbishop Obama says that "the walls between the countries with the most and the countries with the least cannot stand," perhaps he actually means it. Who knows, with such a great man? Certainly a good first step would be for a Federal court to realize that Mexicans are actually, in fact, Americans. (It's not like they were born in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or Antarctica.)
But obviously the most sacrilegious possible desecration is one in which an actual, practicing Prole is appointed, by some awful cosmic mistake, to the hallowed post of "President." It's basically like having a porn star elected Pope. Even as candidate vice-Pope, it's way too far. The purpose of the White House is to teach the Proles that it's wrong to be a Prole, and they need to stop. Now. I mean, duh. Ideally, the LORD would let America know at once of her mistake, and send Hurricane Gustav straight up the Mississippi to demolish the polyester-Americans and their so-called "convention." (Which, frankly, could be mistaken for a multi-level marketing conference. At least if all you look at is the hair.)
Meanwhile, the OP (or Prole Party) has a completely different view of the "White House." To the PP, the "President" is the CEO of America.
This illusion can only be sustained by people who either (a) have no idea what Washington is or how it works, or (b) do, but conceal it for their own political benefit. Collectively these individuals are known as "conservatives," and they make up the right side of your radio dial.
(The radio cannot be adjusted beyond this built-in band. But it can be turned off. Please do not vote for, contribute to, or otherwise support the Outer Party. Outer Party politics is not effective against the Inner Party. Please forward this message to all your Avon subscribers.)
The truth is that the White House changes its entire nature as an organ of government when it changes between Inner and Outer Party control. An Inner Party presidency is simply a different institution from an Outer Party presidency. They are apples and oranges.
When the Inner Party is in, the Presidency is a vestigial organ. It would be a fun experiment to actually abolish the White House for four years. The results would be more or less the same. Every agency in Washington would function not only just as well without the existence of the President, but in fact much better.
For example, my mother was at DOE in the Clinton era. In the renewables area - she did a good bit of work for Joe Romm. Once I asked her what Sched Cs (political appointees) did under Clinton, and she said: "they got a nice office, and they were told to work on whatever they liked." Indeed the main difference between Inner Party candidates is (a) whether or not they can win, and (b) the set of people among whom they will distribute the Plum Book.
A ceremonial presidency is perfectly consistent with Inner Party values, which stress that "politics" is bad and "public policy" is good, and the two should be stored separately - for more or less the same reason that sewage and wine are not shipped in the same tanker truck. As so often, the IP is exactly right about this. Except for the fact that the word "democracy" occupies the highest possible position on the mental totem pole of the Inner Party mind. If I could explain this, I might still be a believer.
(Moreover, the contradiction itself is a nice bit of misdirection. It points the marks away from inquiring into the nature, ingredients, and origins of the sausage called "policy." But I digress.)
When an Outer Party man becomes "President," he soon finds that all his efforts are devoted to solving the essentially unsolvable problem of preventing his name from becoming a historic byword for pure, infamous villainy. Maybe not quite like Hitler or Attila the Hun. But certainly like Mussolini, Richard II, Nixon or Ivan the Terrible.
The basic problem of the Outer Party in the White House is that, with minor exceptions such as the Pentagon, its mission is essentially one of preventing the rest of Washington from doing its job. Or at least what it thinks its job is. The military, of course, is an Outer Party shop, and can always be sent on bloody, expensive and counterproductive ticket-punching adventures. The rest of our permanent government, the civil service proper, is Inner Party to the bone. In fact, perhaps the best way to describe the Inner Party is as the party of the permanent civil service.
Which holds far more power than the White House. The While House can prevail or even contend only in the vast minority of conflicts with the permanent civil service. It is not good for the polls. When an Outer Party presidency's approval sinks below 40% or so, it is defeated, and the agencies he supposedly "leads" ignore the "President" and all his handlers, cronies and contributors. Since polls are a function of public opinion, public opinion is fabricated by the press, schools and universities, and the latter are perma-pwned by the Inner Party, the resulting barbecue is too inevitable to be really entertaining. It's best just to play along.
Example: for most of 2008, GWB might as well have been the prime minister of Namibia for all the influence he's exerted over US foreign policy. Cheney probably wishes he was the prime minister of Namibia....
Maybe Obama just knows how things work? As I have mentioned before conservatives think such ideas as term limits, Congress meeting just once a year and being "part time" etc are grand ideas. I am sure the possible "real government" thinks likewise.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 09:23:00 AM
Labels: obama
The Earthquake and the NASA Space Budget
It seems that on both the left and the right there are elements that wish to se NASA gutted. I have always found this folly for many reasons. The Pink Flamingo raises that issue again in light of the tragic events in Japan.
I would like this issue examined more as to both probes around our own planet and those exploring other worlds.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 09:10:00 AM
Labels: odd and ends
Conscientious Rights Under Attack In Age of Tolerance ?
I largely agree with this Catholic attorney from Alaska. See Alaskan attorney sees conscientious rights threatened in an age of ‘tolerance’ .
I am afraid in the end progressives will regret this move and alliance in a few generations.
Posted by
James H
3/14/2011 08:41:00 AM
Labels: Catholic Politics, catholic social justice
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Did Governor Walker Think David Duke's Views Were Not Extreme? A Response
I saw this vid and write up tonight and it is making the rounds. See Gov. Walker In 1992 Said David Duke’s Issues Are Not Extreme.
I had to live and was in fact politically active through this difficult time period so I don't want the history played with.
I met David Duke several times during his two major runs for high office (Update- he actually had three major runs for Statewide Office but his last run for Gov was not a significant threat). When Duke came to town the town showed up to see the show. He was the only person I met when shook his hand I felt evil.
One issue we GOP "vote for the crook it's important" (Governors race) bumper sticker folks had was to convince people that Duke was a huge ole fraud. Duke was tapping into frustration and indeed his positions he was advocating for the most part were not extreme. His talking points on welfare reform, affirmative action, etc were "mainstream".
There were two David Dukes. At the local Civic center we would see Duke asking black people if they believe a man could repent of his past sins and views and pleading for them not to "hate" him. This was the Family values David Duke. He even passed the "collection" plate.
Then there was a David Duke I met the same day at the Frat house where Duke "thought" he was speaking to a friendly audience. This was a Duke that would talk how Frats came out of the KLAN and was trying to score with every coed in attendance.
Those quotes from "stormfront" show the real David Duke that many of us GOP/Conservatives thought was still there and showed up again.
So no in this period many of Duke's main issues and viewpoints were not extreme. He was not talking about mandatory segregation he was talking about welfare reform.
So in large part the Governor was correct. His views (publicly) were not that extreme or if viewed in isolation "hateful".
The problem was Duke was hijacking mainstream views in order to gain power. This has happened on both the left and right in our nations history.
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 08:50:00 PM
Lsu Versus Alabama - The TV Show
Oh I am still laughing
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 04:02:00 PM
Labels: alabama, les miles, LSU Football, SEC
Ted Nugent reunites with the son he gave up for adoption
Pretty awesome story!! TEARS!!
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 02:38:00 PM
Labels: odd and ends
American Eastern Orthodox and the Military
Ancient Faith radio has such interesting podcasts. Some cool stuff here on Eastern Orthodox serving in the USA military.
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 12:24:00 PM
An Interesting Criiminal Case out of Grand Isle Louisiana
I am not commenting on who is right or wrong here. I just find the politics of this part of the State always very interesting. See Grand Isle Louisiana: A Pedophile’s paradise? Maybe so long as ol’ Euris is around running interference…..
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 11:45:00 AM
Labels: louisiana, Louisiana Politics
Anglicans and Giving Communion to the Non Baptized
I really really don't get this. The Episcopal Church has an open Communion policy for all Baptized Christians. Ok fine. I think that policy is problematic for many reasons but heck it's their faith community.
However this seems to fly in the face of scripture and the long tradition of the Church. One only has to read the Church Fathers to see the practice where even people in the process of entering the Church had to actually live the room when these sacred rights were done. Now in some ways we do that still in a symbolic way for people converting to the Catholic Church via RCIA in their final weeks of instruction.
DO people look at scripture and tradition when advocating stuff like this. For some reason , while it appears a minority position for NOW in the various Anglican communions, this position seems to be gaining traction.
MCJ has FACEPALM for all the details.
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 10:45:00 AM
Labels: anglican, anglicanism, eucharist
An Injustice to Priests in The Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Mardi Gras was not a festive day to the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The Archdiocese has decided under some public and indeed Govt pressure to review allegations made against Priests as to sexual abuse. That is fine and good and needed but there is a way to do it. From Whispers:
.......Their cases now to undergo a more extensive review, among the reported group are a former rector of the Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul who likewise served as vice-rector of St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook; a recent head of one of the Philadelphia church's six regional vicariates, the current head of a chancery office (at least, as of Monday), several well-regarded suburban pastors (two of whom were leading the twin parishes of the same high-profile town), a frequent contributor to the archdiocesan weekly, the Catholic Standard and Times, two priests ordained 60-plus years, and two clerics of religious orders.
According to reports, the men were given eight hours' notice to vacate their rectories on Monday. Banned from living on archdiocesan property for the duration of their respective leaves, at least initially, some found themselves with nowhere to go..........
That is just flat out wrong!! Let us recall that Catholic Priests are not exactly the most wealthy of folks. To leave a Priest homeless that very much has devoted himself to the Church while these allegations are investigated is just well wrong. The Church has a responsibility to find justice in all these cases. Justice is not served in this way. The Church (and that means we the laity too) have a responsibility that there is fairness in these hearings. This seems like a bad start.
Posted by
James H
3/10/2011 10:07:00 AM
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse