I am going to start a general link page for the big Catholic Sex Abuse conference in Rome and at the " Vatican ". I will give "big news" a post of it's own but all the links shall go here. So check back all week for updates.
I see will be giving some commetary too here.
John Allen has been writing up a storm and these are pieces referencing the presentation I link further down
OK a major resource here . All the addresses given at the Vatican Sex abuse conference in at least 4 languages ( Including English )
Ok it was the final day of the conference. I have updated some and will add more later.
This the web site for the program to help combat Abuse of Children worldwide. It is the topic of one the presentations linked below.
On this page -Irish bishops protest incorrect comments at Rome symposium regarding their response to abuse problem
On this (bottom Franslated from the French Le Figaro - Why Benedict XVI is keeping a distance from the current symposium on abuse by Jean-Marie Guénois
Here are the downloads from the above link where all the presentations can be viewed in several languages including English
MESSA DELLO SPIRITO SANTO (Order of Liturgy for conclusion of Conference) (Feb 9)
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Some Reflections from Asia + Luis Antonio G. Tagle Archbishop of Manila, Philippines (very interesting) (Feb 9)
Theological and moral reflections on sexual child abuse in the Catholic Church -
Cardinal Reinhard Marx Church, abuse and pastoral leadership (Feb 9 )
The Centre for Child Protection of the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Gregorian
University (Feb 9 )
John Allen has an interview here with a Archbishop from Philliphines at Vatican abuse summit: 'We don't want to repeat U.S., Irish mistakes'
Also see Allen's piece at Vatican abuse summit: A 'new baseline' for the church
From Vatican Insider we have Abuse: “Never Again” says Pope Benedict XVI
and Asia’s strange silence over the paedophilia issue
Allen has been writing up a storm. Here are the pieces on the presentations I link further down.
Vatican abuse summit: $2.2 billion and 100,000 victims in U.S. alone
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Vatican abuse summit: 'Bishops must be held accountable'
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Vatican abuse summit: Prosecutor decries ‘deadly culture of silence’
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Vatican abuse summit: Reassessing the media's role
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Vatican abuse summit: Penance and a spirit of 'Never Again!'
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Here are presentations for Feb 8 in which I hope to read tonight :
CONTEMPLATION OF THE INCARNATION ( Order of Service for Penance Service at Catholic Abuse Conference)
The Quest for Truth in Sexual Abuse Cases: A Moral and Legal Duty by Mons. Charles J. Scicluna ( Vatican Chief Prosecutor on Sex abuse cases)
A dialogue between religion, society and culture by Fr. Edenio Valle, SVD / Brazil
Candidates for the Priesthood and Religious Life. Selection, Screening and Formation by S. E. Vescovo Jorge Carlos Patrón Wong
The True Cost of the Crisis – by Piercings to the Heart of the Church by Michael J. Bemi e Sig.ra Patricia Neal
English downloads from today Feb 7 are :
"Healing a Wound at the Heart of the Church and Society" ‘The truth will set you free’: Listening, Understanding and Acting to Heal and and Empower Victims -Marie Collins and Sheila Hollins (Feb 7)
Learning From Our Mistakes: Responding Effectively to Child Sexual Abusers -Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti PhD DMin (Feb 7th)
Best Practices in Prevention of Sexual Abuse within Church of South Africa- Rev. Desmond Nair (Feb 7th)
The Internet and Pornography- Sig.ra Jan Slattery e Fratello Brendan Geary, FMS (Feb 7th
Prevention and Mitigation of Abuse of Vulnerable Adults - Rev. P. Gerard J. McGlone, SJ e Sig.ra Rosanna Giacometto (Feb 7th)
Church representatives to ask forgiveness for protecting abusers via CNS
Bishops told pedophiles lie, victims must be heard from CTV
Full text of Marie Collins's remarks at Vatican abuse conference avalable for PDF download.
Vatican Insider has a inteview with the Auxiliary Bishop of Papantla (Mexico) who will be speaking at the conference. See “Responsible seminarists against paedophilia and other deviant behaviours”
John Allen has Vatican abuse summit: Victim reports ‘death of respect' for church leaders
The Catholic UK Herald has Abuse victim to tell world’s bishops: ‘You’re in charge: it’s up to you to stop it’ .
He remarks I will be a big topic in the media this week
SNAP has issued some thoughts. See Victims’ groups slam Vatican sex abuse conference as window dressing.
Well I disagree. Espcially since many of the Bishop Conference int he Global South will likely use this conference to in putting the pen to the paper on the specifics of their policy
John Allen gives an overview of day 1 focusing on the Levada speech. See Vatican sex abuse summit: ‘Don’t wait for the media to make us act'
From Vatican Radio see Pope sends message to Gregorian University conference on 'Healing and Renewal'. That link has the full address of Cardinal William Levada of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
John Allen's excellent piece that gives an overview of the why and what of this conference I posted here at An Overview of the Vatican Sex Abuse Conference This Week
Monday, February 6, 2012
Vatican Sex Abuse Conference Mega Link Page
Posted by
James H
2/06/2012 12:51:00 PM
Labels: Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse, vatican
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