Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Wife Converts to Catholicism- Her Baptist Pastor Husband Explains his Pain

Real big Tip of the Hat to Amy Wellborn for this link. She states in a rundown of links she is giving:

Finally, Michael Spencer, better known as the Internet Monk, is a Baptist minister working in a school in KY, has been in ministry for decades and an Internet presence for a long time, carving out a unique niche, a niche marked by a lot of battle scars. What has been bothering him for a year now has been obvious to anyone who passed “Reading Between the Lines 101,” but he comes out with the full storyin this post at the group blog of which he is a part, the Boar’s Head Tavern (which does not take comments, and be warned, has a pretty anti-Catholic vibe going - not Michael’s doing, but it’s there) and posts on it on his own blog, where comments are allowed.
In short: his wife is starting RCIA.

I really encourage people to read his entry. Many Converts to the Catholic Faith have their trials. But lets us be honest. Converting to the Catholic Faith on the whole does not carry all the trials it did even 30 years ago. I find the faith of the wife and this pastor incredible. Make no doubt this leap of faith by his wife has real consequences. He says in part in a very heart felt and yes painful entry:
Denise has never been happier as a Christian. Clearly, the God she believes in has met and rewarded her.
I’ve had to face the end of some things.
Any possible ministry for me as a Southern Baptist pastor or staff member is over, except at a very moderate/liberal church. Any SBC ministry outside of Oneida is probably over. Perhaps God has another direction for me and this is his way of moving me where I wouldn’t go otherwise. If so, then thank you Lord

Let me say as a former Southern Baptist I can tell you that is so true. In the end the Pastor's wife at a Southern Baptist Church takes a lot on herself. Some Catholics talk all day about the wonders of a possible married clergy. I talked to a Nun that gave a retreat that had Protestant Clergy's wives. She said she found alot of anger and not all was roses. Anyway it is tough.

I am just overwhelmed at the faith of his wife and even more overwhelmed at his faith. Please keep them both in your prayers

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