Friday, May 9, 2008

Bishops of Kansas to Governor- Stop Taking Communion

Wow this is pretty straightforward. This came out today. THis is just the last part of a very long statement

"Recently, it came to my attention that the governor had received holy Communion at one of our parishes. I have written to her again, asking her to respect my previous request and not require from me any additional pastoral actions.The governor has spoken to me on more than one occasion about her obligation to uphold state and federal laws and court decisions. I have asked her to show a similar sense of obligation to honor divine law and the laws, teaching and legitimate authority within the church.I have not made lightly this request of Governor Sebelius, but only after much prayer and reflection.

The spiritually lethal message, communicated by our governor, as well as many other high profile Catholics in public life, has been in effect: : “The church’s teaching on abortion is optional!”I reissue my request of the faithful of the archdiocese to pray for Governor Sebelius. I hope that my request of the governor, not to present herself for holy Communion, will provoke her to reconsider the serious spiritual and moral consequences of her past and present actions. At the same time, I pray this pastoral action on my part will help alert other Catholics to the moral gravity of participating in and/or cooperating with the performance of abortions."

That is the last paragraph of a lonmg statement. Goodness kids go to Catholci Schools for Free in the Diocese of Witchta , Bishops are laying down the law, perhaps I need to move there!!!

Whispers has much more at "Pastoral Action"

I do love this part:
The governor has spoken to me on more than one occasion about her obligation to uphold state and federal laws and court decisions. I have asked her to show a similar sense of obligation to honor divine law and the laws, teaching and legitimate authority within the church.

Update- Father Z has more at Archbp. Naumann of KC to KS pro-abortion Governor: no Holy Communion

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