Monday, April 20, 2009

Right Wing Catholic Blogs Strike Again- Defending Church on BBC Catholic Bashing Show!!

I suppose the Tablet is disappointed.

It appears Holy Mother Church was defending on the weekend after Easter Sunday on a BBC program whose topic is "Is the Pope a liability?". I am looking forward to their show "Is the Church of England is a worldwide liability to African Anglicans battling for their life against Islam" or "Why Is the Archbishop of Canterbury Useful as a warm bucket of spit to Orthodox American Episcopalians".

Anyway A little ole blogger (the dreaded Right wing Catholic blogs again) stuck up for the Church.

catholicmomof10journey has the story and links to the vid at James Preece....for Catholic Man of the Year!

Update - it appears if you are outside the UK you get a message "Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why? "

Maybe someone can get it on youtube

Update II Much more here at James Preece on the telly

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