Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama Reverses Himself On Columbia Free Trade Agreement- Thank God

The Anchoress , who you see is moving up in the world , has the good news and good links and observations at Hail Colombia & other things

Of course this should have been done two years ago. One gets a sense that the reason this was not done was so not to give Bush/McCain some sort of victory. Who cares if it is good for the NATION!!

As was pointed out here:

Where Do Free Trade Advocates Get Their Reputations Back?
Ed Morrissey cheers Obama's sudden about-face on a Colombian free-trade deal.

I would just note that as recently as the third presidential debate, Obama suggested that people who supported the deal were rewarding a country where violence is perpetrated against workers, where "labor leaders have been targeted for assassination on a fairly consistent basis."

Now it's a great big "never mind."

I'll applaud Obama when he concedes that his previous rhetoric on this issue was an inaccurate and unfair smear of those who didn't toe the AFL-CIO's line.
04/22 11:04 AMShare

Yes it is unfair but oh well at least as many of us hoped Obama was just lying on the campaign trail to get votes. That appears to be the case.

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