Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The New Notre Dame Defense on Obama Invite- He Is not Catholic!!

Ah the scandal continues. As I try to explain to cradle Catholics having to explain how this chain of events to my non Catholic friends is a weary task. Most of these people have a simplistic view of the Church Government where Rome just micromanages everything.

When I get through the technical stuff I look like some lawyer trying to convince a skeptical jury in a sketchy slip and fall case at the local supermarket.

Notre Dame has not pulled out the Canon Law card and Obama is not Catholic card. This Canon Lawyer says they are out there mind. Father Z has the post at Dr. Edward Peters dissects Fr. Jenkins

My favorite part I have admit of Dr Jenkins post is this

It is paradigmatic of the theological Left to ignore canon law when it poses the slightest inconvenience for its plans, but to hide behind canons (or at least behind canonists, even anonymous ones) when they afford some cover (however thin) for obvious blunders or malfeasance

So true

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